World of Warcraft, anyone?

The Bringer said:
The only problem I have with FFXI (I wanted to play it) is that I don't have time to find groups and go on long long quests. I can only play a couple hours at a time so I have to resort to soloing or doing small instances. That's why I found WoW to be the best for me, because I can log in for 3 hours every few days and still get far with no problems.

Yeah thats a good reason to play WoW. I am a huge fan of the whole Warcraft universe so I love doing quests and checking out the storylines and seeing them unfold.
COBSteele02 said:
Yeah thats a good reason to play WoW. I am a huge fan of the whole Warcraft universe so I love doing quests and checking out the storylines and seeing them unfold.

And THAT is a very good reason to play the game as well. I really like what Blizzard has done with the story line. WoW has made the universe so much more interesting than any of the RTS games could have ever done with the series.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
I have the silliest looking cap ever.


now say that again.
I DARE YOU!!!! :hotjump:
in a game artist approach, you can clearly notice that WoW is in fact a impressionist game. The sceneries are all low poly, but that's compensated by the textures, so when you look from far away, it seems like a big, beautiful, cartoony painting.

God i feel like an art critic now :lol:

too bad when you come near those huge trees you realize they're all 4 sided piramids and they look like crap :lol:
Yeah but in a game do you really run up and examine every single piece of the enviroment? I sure has hell don't. I couldn't care less if that tree is made of 4 polys or 450,000,000. *Insert lame Xbox fanboy poly count joke*