World of Warcraft, anyone?

The Bringer

Dec 8, 2003
British Columbia, Canada
Does anyone play?

I have a 48 Orc Warrior on Daggerspine but I am afraid I'll lag too much in Finland playing on a NA server. So I'll have to start a new character on a European server.

Which doesn't matter anyways because its a PvP server and I fucking hate PvP.
Well to each and their own. For the first couple weeks I was VERY addicted but it quickly died. I play about an hour a week now. I have so many better things to do.

It's all about learning how to limit yourself.
A friend of mine is hooked on that shit... he even bought WoW money from eBay.

I liked all previous Blizzard's games - but I don't like having to pay per year or month (sorry...don't really know). Even though I'm sure it's worth every penny of it. But it just feels like it forces you to play - cause you always pay for it and don't wanna get screwed and also be able to try the new worlds and features you just paid for. But that's just my point of view...
yeah paying for the game and then paying once time more each month just to be allowed to play with others like you sucks so much arse... blizzard sucks, like they had to little money or sumtin.... :lol:
That's exactly how I felt, but hey... If I collect all the change from purchases I make in a month I have $30 and that's two months of WoW just from loose change. After awhile there isn't as much of a force to play anymore.

Look at it this way... You spend $15 or $30 a month for 20 extra channels on your TV... How often do you watch those extra channels? Is it really worth paying that extra money for those channels? Do you feel pressure to have to watch those channels because of it?
The Bringer said:
Look at it this way... You spend $15 or $30 a month for 20 extra channels on your TV... How often do you watch those extra channels? Is it really worth paying that extra money for those channels? Do you feel pressure to have to watch those channels because of it?
Valid comparison yeah
Didnt some chick from asia die from playing Wow? She sat still and never moved, ate, drunk, pissed, shit or spoke...and then just fell off her chair and died.

If a game can kill you, im not playing it :lol:
She played for four days straight without moving from the pc. China is now going nuts and adding it to the large amount of things it currently freedom, children, media, most of the internet, religion to but name a few.

It's a cool game, tbh...i just dont like the genre much. I'm an FPS fan mostly.
Final_Product said:
Didnt some chick from asia die from playing Wow? She sat still and never moved, ate, drunk, pissed, shit or spoke...and then just fell off her chair and died.

If a game can kill you, im not playing it :lol:
yeah man, she exploded in a great cloud of piss, shit, dryness, movement and words.

(damn, now that sounds kinda acid trippy. 20 minute prog songs anyone?! :p)
Tut Ankh Amon said:
whoa boy, that would NEVER EVER cross my mind :loco:

i'm waiting for my bro to get an upgrade on his comp so he'll give me his ATI 9800

do you F.E.A.R. me now ??? :D

That`s great :headbang:

I have a Elsa Gladiac Geforce 3 - 64 MB :lol: its rusty right now i think :lol: