World Of Warcraft


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA
Who plays? I've played off and on since release. Just curious as to who out there plays. Would be great if someone was on the same faction/server as I am!


used to be Ally/Blackhand

Horde/Shadow Council/Hunter

I play in an an endgame raiding guild. We have all content on farm status. Though some nights it feels like we are doing it for the first time (*cough* last night wiping on Anetheron twice!).
I stopped raiding after TBC. My guild was almost done in Naxx, but the time between Naxx's release (and the cockblocks within) and TBC was quite short, we didn't quite complete it. We were in there from Day 1 though knocking out content. I just don't have the time right now to do endgame content, so I'm looking to PvP now on Illidan. I may try to get back into raiding after WotLK if I am still WoW'ing it up.
I played it for a while: Gorgannis on Eitrigg, 55 Tauren Warrior ..... and no, I didn't copy Gorgannon's name - I was quite surprised when I met that NPC, haha. Anywho, Everquest still pulls my heart strings, so I jumped back to that. I don't play either anymore, though - guitar takes all my freetime :'(
I was in an endgame raiding guild (orc hunter) on Eldre'Thalas for a couple of years, but I dropped officer status back in November and canceled my account a few weeks ago. The game had turned into a part-time job, and the guild had gone from family to faltering machine. We cleared SSC and were on Kael'thas, but the guild is all but dead from attrition at this point - I got out before things got ugly.
I've played since release day, but take large gaps of time off away from the game. I have a character on Argent Dawn that is almost 60, and I created him the first day the servers were up.

Anyway, there's Ralandine, Warlock, Argent Dawn, Alliance.
- Ralandine, Mage, Eittrig, Horde
- Lynadyne, Paladin, Mauradin (however you spell it), Alliance

Plus about nine billion alts. The guild I'm in on AD is my old EQ guild. The guilds I'm in on the other two servers are made up of people that post over at Jinxworld in the Bendis section.

I do not in any way take this game seriously, and reading about guilds that raid makes me realize that there's a lot of content I'll never see, as I just can't put that much time into the game. Oh well, I can still ride around on my mount and kill bears and stuff...

I've played since release day, but take large gaps of time off away from the game. I have a character on Argent Dawn that is almost 60, and I created him the first day the servers were up.

Anyway, there's Ralandine, Warlock, Argent Dawn, Alliance.
- Ralandine, Mage, Eittrig, Horde
- Lynadyne, Paladin, Mauradin (however you spell it), Alliance

Plus about nine billion alts. The guild I'm in on AD is my old EQ guild. The guilds I'm in on the other two servers are made up of people that post over at Jinxworld in the Bendis section.

I do not in any way take this game seriously, and reading about guilds that raid makes me realize that there's a lot of content I'll never see, as I just can't put that much time into the game. Oh well, I can still ride around on my mount and kill bears and stuff...


This sounds very much like me. Been playing since beta. Have 1 level 61 Alliance toon and 1 level 62 horde toon. As yippee mentioned, our alliance guild (old EQ guild, previously Air Warrior guild) imploded and there is usually no one on and I think there are like 8 members total including Yip and myself. So, I hardly ever play alliance any more.
In a fun horde guild, so play my horde toons fairly often these days.
I think the server is Garona.
Tyreryn Blood Elf Warlock
Calia Undead Priest
I have a troll too but she won't be on until yip comes back to the game :)
Silenoz, BE Rogue, Cho'Gall.

Was doing a lot of end-game raiding content (progressing up through the 25 mans, just got lootreaver on farm) but took a break for real life. Not sure if I'll ever get back into raiding, but I play about once every two days now.
I've been playing off and on (mainly off) since early 2005. My friends got me into the game during my senior year of high school. I played up to college and quit playing during the 9 months of school. But when summer rolls around, I start up again, much to my dismay.

I don't play anymore, and don't plan to. My account recently expired after I renewed for a month to play with a friend. Was in a raiding guild, but quit to PvP.

RIP Edguy of the Alliance on Burning Legion... you shall never be played again :(




Just kidding. I love RPGs and I love videogames. That being said, I never got into WoW for two reasons: one, I'd spend too much time in it, I fear. And two, chances are everyone is already so badass at it, that I'd be one of those punchbags.