Sam Raimi directing World of Warcraft movie

You know they have Starcraft for the FAR superior version of that.

If anything, Starcraft had a cooler story than Warcraft (even though it ripped off Starship Troopers), but both were ridiculously cheesy/silly/stupid and Blizzard even makes fun of its own universe plenty of times for that very reason (the ending of Warcraft 3, South Park, etc).

Comparing this to LOTR just makes me laugh. LOTR was years ahead of its time and shit like that wasn't even a thought in people's minds when those books came out.

Chrono Trigger?

Resident Evil 4?

Metal Gear Solid?

Grand Theft Auto 4?

What's IMPOSSIBLE, it to make a good movie out of a video game. For one thing video games are interactive, and many times, we forget about the story because the gameplay is so awesome. That's part of the reason why Doom, Halo, etc would never work as movies.

For another, Hollywood still doesn't "get" videogames, because only a retard would think to make a "World Of Warcraft movie." Not that the Japanese anime version of Street Fighter 2 was an extraordinary piece of cinema, but at least it was entertaining, whereas The Legend Of Chun Li was a complete cringe worthy disaster.

It's only as of the last 10 years that we've gotten decent comic book movies. How many shitty Batman movies did it take to get Batman Begins and TDK? Tons! It's gonna take a while for Hollywood to actually understand videogames.

Warcraft may have a deep universe, but only the nerdiest of the nerds actually care about it. It's a secondary element to the gameplay and pretty much everyone who loved Warcraft/Starcraft with a brain realizes this.
FYI, Hideo Kojima wrote the screenplay for a MGS movie. With a proper director, THAT could actually be good. But somehow I doubt it.
I'm still confused why World of World needs TWO UNIQUE FLAVORS OF MOUNTAIN DEW

I mean, I don't think Mt Dew has made a new flavor yet that has been worthwhile, but is each one different enough in its own way or is it more of a color label thing so nerds can guzzle down the appropriate drink MADE JUST FOR THEM? I don't see how they could be that creative with flavoring so it's likely rebranded other flavors or just loads of food coloring. What happens if you play World of Warcraft on one side but really hate that flavor but the other one is better they would be so torn.

The commercial really confuses me too because they imply women play vidya games.

Alex won't try the new flavors becasue he's stuck on that Mountain dew code red. It's like its crack rock! It has become the only soda he drinks. And when I'm real thirsty and want a soda, and I somehow forget its raunchy taste, I go for one, and I regret it. Its so nasty! It tastes like cough syrup.
I didn't notice it either until you pointed it out.

Speaking of lore, or lack of it, was I so wrong to root for Arthas in Warcraft 3! :( Something sexy about a dude going on a rampage and destroying his Dad's kingdom.
oh heyyyyyyyyyy

the other day someone was drinking an orange fanta and I was all like OH MAN I COULD GO FOR SOME ORANGE SODA because orange soda is the best soda, but I always have this thing where I don't see the point in drinking caffeine free soda because soda is gross enough as it is that all I say it has going for it is being a caffeine delivery system, but then I was just thinking RIGHT NOW about that orange Mt Dew and I wonder if they still have that because that's probably the closest caffeinated orange soda I can think of unless it tastes way worse than I remember.
Which also reminds me of Diet Barqs and WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU BARQS YOUR WHOLE ROOTBEER EMPIRE IS BUILT ON BEING CAFFEINATED ROOT BEER and then you go and make diet barqs automatically caffeine free, not even calling it "Caffeine free" that's just what diet barqs is and you never know until you read the ingredients!
Which also reminds me of Diet Barqs and WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU BARQS YOUR WHOLE ROOTBEER EMPIRE IS BUILT ON BEING CAFFEINATED ROOT BEER and then you go and make diet barqs automatically caffeine free, not even calling it "Caffeine free" that's just what diet barqs is and you never know until you read the ingredients!

WAT! :zombie: Diet Barqs doesn't have caffeine any more? FUUUUUU, that was my favorite root beer! :erk: A sad day indeedy. Its been awhile since I"ve drank it too.

I agree, soda needs caffeine, but if that orange MT dew is anything like that groady code red, It might not be worth it.

And orange crush is awesome!
lately I've been obsessed with hydration, which is weird because I've been pretty much careless in regards to every other health issue, so I'm all about caffiene-free soda. I've always been a huge Sprite fan, Sprite Zero is pretty good, too. I've had Diet Barq's Cream Soda, which I assume is caffiene free, and I liked it a lot.
Warcraft may have a deep universe, but only the nerdiest of the nerds actually care about it. It's a secondary element to the gameplay and pretty much everyone who loved Warcraft/Starcraft with a brain realizes this.

See, that's what you're getting wrong in this argument. Nobody thinks it has a "deep" storyline, no one is comparing the plot to LOTR. But what we do think is that it has a "pretty cool" or "epic" storyline which in turn could result in a "pretty cool" or just plain fun movie.
lately I've been obsessed with hydration, which is weird because I've been pretty much careless in regards to every other health issue, so I'm all about caffiene-free soda. I've always been a huge Sprite fan, Sprite Zero is pretty good, too. I've had Diet Barq's Cream Soda, which I assume is caffiene free, and I liked it a lot.

No, that's what water is for.

edit: I see there was a new page in which Derek expressed the very same sentiments.
See, that's what you're getting wrong in this argument. Nobody thinks it has a "deep" storyline, no one is comparing the plot to LOTR. But what we do think is that it has a "pretty cool" or "epic" storyline which in turn could result in a "pretty cool" or just plain fun movie.

What the hell are you talking about? In the post you quoted from me, I said it had a deep (as in rich, expansive) universe, which many people, including yourself acknowledged. You want a deep (as in philosophically challenging, etc) story? Read Watchmen. LOTR as well as WC is "pretty cool" or "epic." The reason why I argue that the comparisons are dumb is simply because LOTR was decades ahead of its time. Things like hobbits and orcs became iconic because of LOTR, but the story is by no means a course in mental gymnastics. WoW's backstory is basically there so it's not 100% gameplay, but the game is cool/fun in the first place because of its gameplay. Its story is ridiculous/cheesy and as I said in a previous post, Blizzard even acknowledges this.

And besides, your mentality is why there are Transformers and GI Joe movies, so thanks for supporting and contributing to more Hollywood diarrhea.
so orange crush is making a comeback, i've been able to find it in stores this year for the first time in HELLA long. it is definitely the best canned orange soda.

Up the street from me they sell them in the glass bottles, along with other soda that you don't normally see in the glass. Nehi too, thought it disappeared forever.

Nehi was renamed Royal Crown Cola Co. after its most popular product. Dr. Pepper Snapple Group now owns them as well as Crush and every other good soft drink brand.