Sam Raimi directing World of Warcraft movie

Kevin Smith and his excellent movies make my asshole pucker. Most excellently written dialog I've ever heard.

Quentin Tarantino and his above par movies make my dick hard. Most awesome dialog I've ever heard.

Richard Kelly and his shitty movies make my blood boil. Most pretentious bullshit dialog I've ever heard.

Darren Aronofsky and his shitty movies make my blood boil. Most pretentious bullshit dialog I've ever heard.

Diablo Cody and her shitty movies/tv shows make my blood boil. Most pretentious feminist bullshit dialog I've ever heard.

Don't mind me, just fixing up this thread a bit here.

Edit: I'll give Aronofsky a pass on The Fountain though.
I agree with all of those except for Arronofsky. Get better taste in movies if you don't like his work.

Edit: nothing excellent about Kevin Smith. You really do have shitty taste in movies.
Name one cool/good/interesting thing about Warcraft lore after the second game.


Now come on, name something. Do it.

Archimonde destroying the ancient MAGE city of Dalaran by bringing up sand replicas and crushing them. Destroying the city.

Grom Hellscream killing the Pit Lord Mannoroth with Gorehowl after THRALL, greatest Shaman to walk Azeroth, couldn't even make him flinch. Also freed his people from the blood craze.

Broxigar cutting into Sargeras leg (Sargeras is basically a god, a fallen titan) on a MOUNTAIN of demon corpses before being crushed by Sargeras as Khadgar seals off the Dark Portal.

I could go on if you want.
What made Warcraft so cool/so much fun was the gameplay and the idea of harvesting resources to build badass armies and sending them to ruin the other guy's shit. Not the story. Thanks for missing the point of the game guys. This movie will be awful.
What made Warcraft so cool/so much fun was the gameplay and the idea of harvesting resources to build badass armies and sending them to ruin the other guy's shit. Not the story. Thanks for missing the point of the game guys. This movie will be awful.

You know they have Starcraft for the FAR superior version of that.
What made Warcraft so cool/so much fun was the gameplay and the idea of harvesting resources to build badass armies and sending them to ruin the other guy's shit. Not the story. Thanks for missing the point of the game guys. This movie will be awful.

Bullshit, you're just a big cunt.