Lies and Perfidy
Gentleman of the Road
While agreed, WoW is not the setting for that. It's just such a campy, contradictory setting, with a serious lack of internal consistency. My guild does a lot of RP/writing that I think approaches pretty serious story work, but we have a pretty narrow path and a relatively small monkeysphere. A movie that was actually focusing on main Warcraft plotting would run into problems as Serious Business.Could be great. But they wont make it correctly.
It could be epic and dark as shit.
LOTR movies are some of the best ever. because they made it dark, epic, long. And didnt add any stupid comedy.
That's what nerds like myself want in a fantasy movie. Focus on badass characters with flaws. costumes have to be perfect. Tired of the clean looking fantasy movies.
I suppose something directly focused on the Arthas arc with Mograine and Fordring and so forth as heroes could work, but honestly, the setting's better served by a relatively light-hearted adventure story in the vein of the Princess Bride. Leave the grimdark to the place where it'd be good (i.e. Westeros.)