world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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confirming blackfathom deeps. :)

TheFourthHorseman said:
By the way here's something I want to know: When you encounter Horde (or Alliance, if playing Horde) that is just about your level (or below), do you wait for the enemy to be pretty much ready for it (I suppose this doesn't really apply for rogues, which is certainly one of the reasons why I hate them)) or just gank away? Do you generally kill the low level people who come across you?

i never start a fight first. if i come across a horde (any level) who's keeping to himself and either pve-ing or simply going his own way, i never bother him. sometimes i wave.

i go after, or expose in local defense, players who are themselves aggressive, especially to lower levels. if i have time, i try to get together with other people to kill a ganker, and i defend myself against horde my level if they go after me first. the other day i was running through hillsbrad foothills and a tauren warrior my level (31) jumped me in the middle of the road. this guy must have been really bad at playing his class, because even counting the surprise factor, and me having out the imp, i just needed a potion to get enough time to apply my charming sequence of curse of agony + immolation + corruption + shadowbolt. he died, i waved and left. only to be two-shotted a few minutes later by a group of four ??'s.
the following are leaked notes about patch 1.9:

One of the main features of this content patch will be the unveiling of Ahn'Qiraj, an instance in Silithus that will feature a 40 man raid group and a "more casual" 20 man raid group. Please find further information below:
  • The Ahn'Qiraj area is opened up by opening the gates of Silithus located at the Scarab Wall in south Silithus - a structure of truly cyclopean proportions. This will actually be a one-time world event that can be triggered only once per server and it requires the help of everyone on a server to open the gates (both Horde and Alliance). Once the gates have been opened on a server, that server can no longer participate in the gate-opening event.
  • Once opened, adventurers can enter two new raid instances, one is a 40 man raid group and the other is a 20 man raid group, the 20 man raid group (The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj) will allow "casual" players to experience new raid content. The 40 man raid group (Temple of Ahn'Qiraj) is said to be slightly harder than Molten Core. Players will also be able to obtain special Silithid mounts that can only be used in the 40 man raid instance.

TheFourthHorseman said:
Now I feel like I should hurry to 60 with my Warrior so I can catch the world event, but...meh.

i don't think it will see the light of day for another month. the patch, i mean.

which leads to my question: how hard it is to level in the late '50s? because i find it annoyingly easy up to the point where i am now (early '30s), to the point of actually refraining from killing anything but grey mobs until i'm satisfied with the quantity of content i've seen for a specific area, then moving up in about 30 kills, turning in quests that have become way too easy, then holding back some more. i know about end-game content: 40-man raids, endless instances looking for epic gear, and blah, but i'm under the impression all of that applies to level 60s, thus making the whole process of leveling up a menial task that most hardcore players consider the ante-chamber of the actual challenge.
Leveling is actually pretty easy. Obviously you can't leap 10 levels in one day anymore, but 1 level a day is still possible with a decent amount of time put in.
I always forget to note down what I have equipped, and I don't know how to check it online, if there's a way... is there? I once saw myself and my equipment in some page, but my brother insists I'm imagining things
at any rate, I still have 3 blue items (Chest is from Westerfall, armor 92, Naga gloves, and a cool staff) and the rest are greens

anyway, I haven't seen Plintus or Kov on for a looooong time... we should get together for gnomeregan at least

ah well, since I'm bored, I thought you'd like to see my lair... taken today by my brother while we were doing stockades. Complete with blanket, dog in my lap, coke and empty white hamburger/fries wrappers (ketchup still visible).

I don´t know if I should say this, because Rahvin told not to fuck this thread up, but:
One of my teachers, the guy who is responsible for teaching religion, psychology and philosphy, taking on alcohol and pot instead of WOW, since the game tends to rot player´s brain. He, himself, is a geeky looking guy who really has heart for games.
Few of my friends (a couple, who live together) play this game, and they never stop talking about it.

Well, carry on!
Naku ist krig said:
I don´t know if I should say this, because Rahvin told not to fuck this thread up, but:
One of my teachers, the guy who is responsible for teaching religion, psychology and philosphy, taking on alcohol and pot instead of WOW, since the game tends to rot player´s brain. He, himself, is a geeky looking guy who really has heart for games.
Few of my friends (a couple, who live together) play this game, and they never stop talking about it.

i agree that wow easily creates addiction. i agree that there are plenty of people addicted to it. but the rest is media hype, since - as usual - there is no such thing as bad publicity. comparing the addiction created by a game that requires average-to-long attention span and at least mediocre skills to alcohol or drugs is a one-liner in a comedian's act.
I got to manage projects at work and having some busy tiems off freelancing... those are like 14-16 hours shifts, including gym and travelling... will try to get to it this weekend... hopefully. I got charged for another month, so... :D
yeah haven't seen you in ages, Plintus! Thought you'd changed servers or something :p

Today I met up with a very helpful paladin who would chase me around all my quests, healing me when i was attacking high level mob and letting me have all the exp and drops. Turns out he's the founder of the Gnomeregan Liberation Army guild. I wanna join, he says they're merging with another big one soon (which might be bad, if there's too many people and not a close enough guild) but what do you say? We should really start looking around for a guild one way or another, though, as Rahvin was saying the other day, it'll get harder to do quests from now on... especially at horde-infested territories
I have a couple friends who are hardcore at this game. One of them has 2 lvl 60's and he's been playing for just about 3 months. I played for a month and got to lvl 48 and quit. Leveling is incredibly easy and it's the easiest MMORPG to get into. But it just proves my point that games are not suppose to be challenging anymore.
Hitori said:
Today I met up with a very helpful paladin who would chase me around all my quests, healing me when i was attacking high level mob and letting me have all the exp and drops. Turns out

turns out having a female character means receiving plenty of "gifts" and a lot of "help" from the kind of person who will then propose to you at some point during molten core. :p

he's the founder of the Gnomeregan Liberation Army guild. I wanna join, he says they're merging with another big one soon (which might be bad, if there's too many people and not a close enough guild) but what do you say? We should really start looking around for a guild one way or another, though, as Rahvin was saying the other day, it'll get harder to do quests from now on... especially at horde-infested territories

it might be a good idea, indeed. once we're done with our gnomeregan runs, anything from scarlet monastery up will require 5+ of us, or we have to spend to much time grinding before just the three of us can do it, and then the rewards will be uninteresting.

oh, btw: i'm back to wow in a few hours. ;)
Is it totally above your heads to just pick up the rest from the LFG-channel? And what's this about instances higher than SM requiring 5+ of you?

Gnomeregan sucks.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Is it totally above your heads to just pick up the rest from the LFG-channel?

is it totally above your head that when you do you tend to end up with idiots who leave mid-instance?

And what's this about instances higher than SM requiring 5+ of you?

i think this is called scaling, or something. basically, the higher your level, the harder instances get (i know: i was surprised too). so, while three players can run the deadmines at a level when they still can use the loot for something else aside from de'ing or selling, three players can find scholomance/pleaseaddthenameofaninstancethatdoesn'tsuckhere a little hard in the level range where they'd really need the rewards, unless they group up with a couple other players.
Scholomance is 57-60 so I hardly think the people doing it can be too high level for the rewards, drops and some such things. :p
Yes, the instances get harder, but doing Uldaman, Zul'Farrak and Maraudon in a raid (5+ people) seems pretty daft to me. Beyond that I can see the need.
Anyway, you're talking about doing instances after SM with 3 people, I was just wondering why you would need over 5.

Pick up groups can be just fine, actually they can be great too. I guess usually they're not, but if the other option is not doing instances...

Tsk, I felt like I was having a bad day, after reading rahvin's reply I feel better already.