world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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TheFourthHorseman said:
Scholomance is 57-60 so I hardly think the people doing it can be too high level for the rewards, drops and some such things. :p
Yes, the instances get harder, but doing Uldaman, Zul'Farrak and Maraudon in a raid (5+ people) seems pretty daft to me. Beyond that I can see the need.
Anyway, you're talking about doing instances after SM with 3 people, I was just wondering why you would need over 5.

my saying "5+" was to take into consideration both the instances that don't, and those that do require/recommend a raid. yes, lvl 60 instances are not going to be obsolete until the expansion comes out, but right now you need 10 or 20 people to run them. unless, like scholo, you can do it without a huge raid. but the loot you find there does get obsolete compared to the fabled purplz you-know-what.

Pick up groups can be just fine, actually they can be great too. I guess usually they're not, but if the other option is not doing instances...

maybe i've just been unlucky. i often find myself surrounded by people who run in every direction at once and spend 0.4 seconds taking a look around and enjoying the game.
guys, guys

anyway, if we are to join a guild, I want it to have a cool name like Gnomeregan Liberation Army. For Gnomeregan!


hehe i could go on
TheFourthHorseman said:
You play on the US realms. Feel bad about moving to the US yet?

*shrugs* similar stories populate the european servers as well. stupidity is equally abundant no matter where you choose to turn, but you're not alone in finding reassurance believing otherwise.
I play on Elune (EU, fr). I m in a guild who kill all but Nefarian (and Lethon / Emeriss but we dont really try a lot)...Dwarf priest

edit : Nefarian dead yesterday...was intense :)
ahhh WoW... i miss those days! I had a level 60 hunter on Mannoroth, but back then (not sure if its still like that now) no one needed a hunter for the higher instances and my guild disbanded, so i quit. I've always wanted to start playing again, but there's no way i can sacrifice all the time to get another character to 60... but damn it was fun!
Creator_Failure said:
ahhh WoW... i miss those days! I had a level 60 hunter on Mannoroth, but back then (not sure if its still like that now) no one needed a hunter for the higher instances and my guild disbanded, so i quit. I've always wanted to start playing again, but there's no way i can sacrifice all the time to get another character to 60... but damn it was fun!

Hey New Jersey! What's up, b-tch :D
QRV said:
I've just found this out. I feel dull.

Anyway, I'd have to increase the goddamn RAM. Bloody laptops.

RAM is fun. RAM it up. You won't regret.

Now - kiss my feet. yeah, just like that.. Ummmm....
Well I finally made it to 60 today. Been on a few of Stratholme and Scholomance runs, and just a while ago I got to do Upper Blackrock Spire with an awesome raid group.

What rahvin said about needing a raid for these instances is true I suppose, not that I was questioning that in the first place. Stratholme probably isn't too difficult 5-man either with decent gear, but for all purposes of first getting that gear 10-/15-man groups are pretty good.
I'll probably be doing instances for the next little less than a month in hopes of getting the Beaststalker set if nothing better, nothing has dropped so far though, only got the BoE ones.
EDIT: One step closer, got Beaststalker's Pants from Baron tonight.

I like Silithus as an area too. It's much less ridiculous like both of the Plaguelands for example, which are totally filled with ganking. Got some cool raid quests for Eastern Plaguelands though.

Respecced from Markmanship/Beast Mastery to Markmanship/Survival (and improved Aspect of the Hawk) too.
congrats again, TFH
now that you're stuck with a boring lvl 60 i suggest you start a new character at an american server like spinebreaker :p

I also have good WoW news: finally reached lvl 40 (I always got stuck at lvl 39) AND at long last have my illusionary rod :D

edit: oh, and QRV, I recommend the game, but then again, i'm biased
The Bringer said:
Is there any way to play on Euro servers with an American copy of the game? I'm so fucking tired of playing when no one is on.

i don't think so, no. but i've never had a problem with the quantity of people on, to be honest. except of course if you want to do an end-game instance and the raid starts at 6pm EST, a.k.a. midnight CET, a.k.a. one in the morning in finland, i suppose.