world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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ahh, so it's started. soon you will feel like picking up roots and flowers, to improve your herbalism, skinning roadkill, and wanting to buff passerbyes

also... I've been playing alliance far too long now to become a traitor to our noble cause. For the alliance! indeed
I'm not an online gamer and I speak here in the name of one of my friends. Haven't any of you ever heard about Dark Age Of Camelot? It's just like WoW except it's much more complete, it's got more details, lands, history and quest and the PvP is 20x better. Also, more different characters and much, much more skills.
Hitori said:
ahh, so it's started. soon you will feel like picking up roots and flowers, to improve your herbalism, skinning roadkill, and wanting to buff passerbyes

Yeah, but that just doesn't happen to me, or happens right after I play too much :) This time it's taking place weeks after intense playing :D

...just saw 2 chars running across... looked so like in the game... with a pet... small dog, lvl3-5... :dopey:
teehee, you know you're obsessed when you browse WoW forums, check out WoW artwork and listen to WoW music. not just on Tuesday nights.

isn't destromath pvp?

last night i got cat form. rawr. ran through Deadmines for the gazillionth time. was great except for my 3k ping :(
Ayup. I always play on PvP servers. I guess because I've been playing long enough that the average ganker usually doesn't get the drop on me.

And you know you're obsessed when you can remember most of the talent trees for every class :p

i'm determined to take my char on spinebreaker to level 60 and, hopefully, to the glory and fame of mc, onyxia, blackwing lair runs.

but if i ever play horde, i think i'll want to try on mal'ganis for the large somethingawful guild, which seems quite serious and well organized.
I'm rather unfamiliar with the new changes they made to the druid talent trees, so I'm probably not the best one to ask there.

On destromath (and half my other horde chars) I'm a hunter. As of right now, this one is lvl 22.

well, at least you're not aiming for lvl 70, so you're healthy

PLEASE make a char in our server just to sign our guild :p how many times must I beg you?
Hitori said:
PLEASE make a char in our server just to sign our guild :p how many times must I beg you?

seconded. also because there won't be any guild charter to sign if at least 5 more people don't get an alt on spinebreaker. ;)

so, for anyone who feels like it, next week-end we could take 2-3 hours to do blackfathom deeps. the link takes you to a badly written guide for horde, but read it anyway as it's the best i could find on the subject. :p the location is also wrongly said to be silverspine forest. the instance is actually in the northwest of ashenvale.

to make the most of it, go get the following quests. there are no restrictions, but the elf that gives "in search of thaelrid" might not have the ! over his head. just speak to him anyway, he's reluctant only because you're neutral towards the argent dawn faction.

in search of thaelrid (which starts another quest inside the instance)
knowledge in the deeps
researching the corruption
twilight falls

and then i have part of a class quest there. the meanest boss is a level 29 elite, so i believe four of us will suffice, supposing the average player level is 28-29.
Well I'm on spinebreaker right now, and i have about an hour and a half. I'm gonna try and reach 20 by then, possibly 21. I'll see if I can't get myself higher by this weekend.

Edit: had to stop after 45 mins... I'm almost to lvl 20, though. <sigh> stupid school stuff.

Wetlands - good for grinding around lvl 26-30, if anyone wants to know. Also - where else monsters around lvl 28-32 are roaming (not elite)?

Getting to lvl 30 today/tomorrow (already 29).
you may try going to Southshore

also, what time are we meeting Sunday? It's my cousin's wedding this saturday and I don't want to repeat last sunday's alarm-setting, zombie-playing experience :p
So is there any way we could do it an hour or so later than usual? I'll still be good and healthy saturday night though, which should help matters
so, doublechecking: tomorrow at 12:30 EST (an hour and a half later than last week) for Blackfathom Depths, right?

well I'll be on at that time at any rate, hopefully earlier
It's Deeps, not Depths. :p

On another almost-complete failure of a Zul'Farrak run I managed to at least get myself this:
And now that I dumped leatherworking I'm making some money too.

Grinding the turtles in Tanaris for the win.

By the way here's something I want to know: When you encounter Horde (or Alliance, if playing Horde) that is just about your level (or below), do you wait for the enemy to be pretty much ready for it (I suppose this doesn't really apply for rogues, which is certainly one of the reasons why I hate them)) or just gank away? Do you generally kill the low level people who come across you?
I'm just getting so goddamn sick of noticing that two (or even just one) Horde are attacking me while I was already busy with a mob. Generally I just give up and let them get their precious kill.
At least once I encountered a nice fellow Hunter in Stranglethorn (the kingdom of gank) who I had a nice battle with and after it we kept to our quests in the same area.