world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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Played it since February till July, than i got bored with it. Than i tried Guild Wars, but i hate that game. Now i miss WoW a little, now especially when they raise lvl cap. Too bad i gave my account away. :confused:
Caelestia said:
I'd love to join you guys on er, what server was it again? But I am so busy with work and the time difference makes it near impossible for me to be on the same time as any of you :p Although I have the rest of the week off, I'll be leveling my alts, except today I got home early from work to find my connection is dead *cry*

oh, poo! if you have time to level your alts you have time to join us on spinebreaker. we also play at odd hours, so maybe time-zones won't be too much of a problem. we need more experienced players, and it would be ideal if you could roll a rogue. what can we do to convince you?
in case anyone is interested, i'd like to do a few "omgz u r 1337 hax0r!" quests later today (tentatively after 11am EST), and i could use some help. they're level 23-25 missions in redridge mountains, two of us should be enough. qsilver, this goes to you too, even if you're a few levels behind: you can always heal me while i hit'em, and we could cash in on enhanced shadow damage if - as i hope - you're putting talent points in shadow.
I've been busy recently, and probably will be for a bit - as I've hit a point where many projects and stuff for school are starting to be due. I'll still be around, but it'll take me a bit to catch up to you guys. I will though :p

since kov hasn't put up pictures of our merry little group running the deadmines last week-end, i'm gonna post one. this is us, at the entrance of the instance (left to right: hitori, plintus, rahvin, kovenant84).

for some reason, we did not get to the final boss.
can i suggest another deadmines run on either saturday or sunday?

qsilver can easily come with us if he gets to level 17-18, i think. he just has to remember to never, for any reason, hit any mob. :p and our tank or my voidwalker should protect him constantly.
i might not be here, apparently last weekend's trip was postponed for this one
but i guess if i'm not around i'll just meet up with you guys for stockades the weekend after this one
I'll have to see how busy I am. I need to see when exactly I'll be working and doing group projects. It looks like I'll be at work on Saturday this week, but I'm not sure what my Sunday is looking like. And I'll have those screenshots up eventually :p

Although the pictures are (I believe) of the conversations and posing before the instance. I'm not sure I actually have one of us fighting inside. :p

Also, my girlfriend tells me my playing with you guys betrays the Horde and calls me traitor the whole time I am playing. Just an FYI for you all, in case she takes a bounty out on us.

Kovenant84 said:
Also, my girlfriend tells me my playing with you guys betrays the Horde and calls me traitor the whole time I am playing. Just an FYI for you all, in case she takes a bounty out on us.

we're not out to hate horde, although i killed 22 last night. :p

yeah, i went to battlegrounds for the first time. it was disappointing: it feels like a first-person shooter where you're surrounded by rotund 13-year-olds announcing their superiority by either critting for a bazillion points of damage with blue weapons (if horde), or giving impenetrable orders in all caps, ranging from "GO BCAK 2 BASE" to "STEP AWWAY FROM FC NOW" to "U SUCH A NOOB" (if alliance). i came clean about my status as a first-timer from the get-go, and yet received no helpful instruction, unless you find it helpful when you're repeatedly told to get lost.
at some point i decided that i was better off protecting the base so i stayed in what i think was defense. i contributed to the killing of about 20 horde, got jumped six hundred times by a somehow stealthed (?) troll hunter, lost the game 0/3 along with my fellow unorganized raiders, and realized that as much as warlocks are efficient and neat soloing in pve, they're probably not the best pvp killing machine ever built.

so in a way kov's girlfriend has got her bounty accomplished already. ;)

as for the deadmines, let's post here when we're available as soon as we know it.
I'll have plenty of time to heal you around in near future. Once i get through the night shift tonight and my friend's graduation party tomorrow night I have nothing scheduled until thursday morning when the real life will start kicking in again :p