world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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join us! maybe you'll be estranged from family and friends, but you could get them to join, too :p

good-bad-news: i didn't go away for the camping weekend due to horrible weather. so maybe we could try deadmines tomorrow or something, when plintus can join us?
Hitori said:
good-bad-news: i didn't go away for the camping weekend due to horrible weather. so maybe we could try deadmines tomorrow or something, when plintus can join us?

tomorrow works for me, provided it's not before 10am eastern time, as i'll be out with my family until then. but i suppose since it's a sunday this won't be a problem.

just found out plintus is lvl 21 too. so if you and kov can reach 20, we're all set.
I still have Tunic Of Westfall from that quest for VanCleef's head...used the Defias chest piece that I got from VanCleef for a while too but ToW is just that much better and the other stuff I got from DM got old so the set bonuses went too...but what I'm getting at is that Tunic Of Westfall is pretty good, although I'm guessing that I should've gotten/bought a new one ages ago. Doesn't matter, I'll be getting mail armor in ½ a level anyway.

Also, I am teh 1g|\|0r3d.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Also, I am teh 1g|\|0r3d.


if it helps, i was thinking about sending you a pm, begging and pleading to join our server and group. i thought, "he's probably not going to want to, though, he must have a guild and friends elsewhere already. but i'll try anyway, 'cause that would be a good addition to the team."

the offer stands.
as far as i'm concerned, the meeting for the deadmines is tomorrow as soon after 11am EST as everybody can log on, hopefully no later than 5pm. post in this thread if you want to narrow it down based on your free time. remember: tomorrow the DST settings will change for the winter

for plintus: travel instructions to get to westfall - if, for any reason, i can't summon you - are as follows.

from darkshore, take the ship to menethil bay, wetlands. there are signs on the docks pointing to the right vessel.

then travel east, following the road, until it bends to the south and, after a couple of tunnels and passes, it reaches loch modan. keep on the road south until you see another path merging into yours from the north-east: change direction and follow it to the north through other passes and tunnels.

you'll reach dun morogh, which is eternally covered in snow. the road west takes you to a dwarven village: once you're there, head north towards ironforge.

in ironforge, look at the map and get to the place where it says you'll find the "underground tram". get in through the portal, wait for a tram (it doesn't matter which one) and jump on it.

you'll end up in stormwind. leave town and go south (either follow the road or cut through the woods) until you're in an area called "forest's edge". another road runs east-west through it. follow it to the west and you'll reach westfall. once you're there, just follow the road to sentinel hill, or better yet, join a group with anyone of us in and travel to our position. ;)

the only area where you might get in trouble are the wetlands (contested territory, mobs level 21-30). just stay on the road and keep an eye on the info on the defense channel and you'll be fine.
rahvin said:
i wonder if it's possible to change this by uninstalling and installing the american version...
Different realms, so I'd lose all my existing characters or at least mostly be unable to continue playing with my other characters because of the time that it would take me to play with the character(s) on the US realms. Installing the American version would probably do it, yes.
Still, I don't want to do that, though mostly because of reasons of convinience, like having to order online and spend a bunch of cash on a game that I already have and have spent a good deal of money on.
Well, hopefully I'll have a chance tonight (that's relative) to level to 20, otherwise I'll be crunching it tomorrow morning. I will be at least 19 (i'd say) by then, though. And I've done the instance alot, anyway, so no worries about being able to handle it :p

Hitori said:
no, alchemy and herbalism's really cool! but as a hunter, skinning makes mroe sense

Sorry, but that is wrong... well, not wrong, but it's not an optimal choice in
any case. Leatherworking, along with most crafting in this game becomes
useless pretty fast, you get better equipment from either drops or quests.
That is just the sad fact of the game.

There is one profession anyone into PvP should have and that is Engineering.
Especially if you lack crowd control, it offers great stuff from grenades to
net guns and Gnomish Shrink Rays (awesome fun). The reason for this is that
non of the stuff really drop and of course most of the stuff is only usable by

As for party, the normal 5 man party setup used to be: Warrior (tank, Paladins
are crap for tanking, no matter what they claim, they can gain aggro fast
enough), Rogue, Mage, Priest and Druid.

It has changed a lot lately with the new talent specs and people learning to
play their classes much better. Yesterday we ran thru RFD (Razorfen Downs)
in about 40min with 2 hunters, druid, paladin and rogue.

Our normal group always contains 2 hunters (me and my buddy) warrior, druid
and most often a paladin. The reasons are simple, hunters can easily replace
rogues and mages in any group. Mages especially seem to be newbies who
don't get how aggro works and get killed all the time and they have been
really screwed over lately in the patches and now they are walking and talking
food/water vending machines.

In any case, I'm guessing you'll be going to DM first, good luck, the first time
is thought, but the instance is fun, as is the follow up, The Stockades.

Oh, just a hint for DM, once you are done with the big boys, take a look in the
direction you came from and get ready ;)
Salamurhaaja said:
Oh, just a hint for DM, once you are done with the big boys, take a look in the
direction you came from and get ready ;)
Cookie isn't that amazing. The mace that usually drops from him is a good laugh though. Or do you mean something else?
Mr. Smith or whatever the guy's name was is pretty neat to fight.
I've pretty much thought that rogues are kind of useless in instances. Am I/Why am I wrong?
i thought everybody in this world knew about the patrols. but i also thought everybody in this world was a privileged holder of the absolute best strategy (tm), so maybe salmy moved to pluto. ;)
This newbie is still way behind, lvl 10 atm and proceeding way too slowly cause i tend to do everything the long way :p
As for the professions, I'd really appreciate some hints for i'm pretty clueless as for what i should get.
Salamurhaaja said:
Sorry, but that is wrong... well, not wrong, but it's not an optimal choice in
any case. Leatherworking, along with most crafting in this game becomes
useless pretty fast, you get better equipment from either drops or quests.
That is just the sad fact of the game.

i didn't tell him to do leatherworking, just skinning. skins can get you enough gold to then buy whatever you want. but yeah maybe engineering is good, well, if you're looking for something to do, Qsilver
Hitori said:
i didn't tell him to do leatherworking, just skinning. skins can get you enough gold to then buy whatever you want. but yeah maybe engineering is good, well, if you're looking for something to do, Qsilver

Yep, skinning and mining ftw on money side.

What was your class again?

TheFourthHorseman said:
I've pretty much thought that rogues are kind of useless in instances. Am I/Why am I wrong?

Nope, you're not wrong, rogues are pretty useless in all the low instances
and I wouldn't invite one for any instance, but that is just due to my own
dislike of the whole class (if you play on a PvP server you know why).
They have their uses, but I would rather have sustained DPS than burst.

And yes, I was refering to the patrols after each of the big boys, trust me,
not everyone knows of them and sometimes it still doesn't help when you
are just done with a big battle.

Well, me and my buddy started new chars today just to get away from the
high level hunters for a while and now we have a lvl 11 druid and warlock.
It's very odd playing a druid after about 6 month break from the class, fun
tho, gotta love bear form when it's sitting down, so cute :oops:
Druids rock. I rolled a hunter instead because I remember my druid friend complaining they were gimped at endgame. Too bad I forgot the talent trees were revamped and now druids are even more wonderful. Seriously, it was so sexy playing with my 60 druid friends and watching them rip new ones into mobs. Last night I played with my Warlock, finally got her to 52 and completed my infernal quest. w00t!

As for professions, I'm a gatherer (of plants and skins) for now till I get to about 40, then I'll switch to herb/alch. I miss being able to heal myself. Oh, and the first time I saw Mr. Smite in the Deadmines I thought his name was Mr. Smile :p

I'd love to join you guys on er, what server was it again? But I am so busy with work and the time difference makes it near impossible for me to be on the same time as any of you :p Although I have the rest of the week off, I'll be leveling my alts, except today I got home early from work to find my connection is dead *cry*