world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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Qsilver said:
Now I have a dwarf priest called Svång. I think i'll stick to that. For now.

great, thanks for your collaboration. :) i'll add your info at the start of the thread. if you play non-stop you might be able to get to level 20 by monday. :p

edit: oh, and if your choosing a hunter was based on the info you found in said first post of this thread, i'm sorry: just now i noticed that my edit mentioning plintus playing a hunter got lost during um downtime. it's now up there again.
I wound up playing alot last night, but not as Kovenant. Played a bit of horde with the gf. Last I checked I'm still level 16.

Anywho, this was really just an excuse to ask Plintus and Q what they plan on doing as far as professions :)

as far as professions go, i think we miss a skinner/leatherworker. that'd be more appropriate for plintus, i guess.

i'm level 20 now. i can get to 21 tomorrow, but then i'll stop and wait for the fun on monday. :)
Depending on where I am this weekend, I can either get to 21 (from 16 :p) or maybe 18 (if I'm out at gf's). As I'm a slightly [not in a bragging way] important member of the party, as the guy who gets the bad guys to hit him instead of the squishy casters (:p), I'm gonna have to work on getting as close to 20 or so as I can. Homework and projects be dammed!

~kov :p

(yeah, i'd play wow instead of the hw and projects, but this is how I rationalize it)

Ah, and Plintus should probably go Skinning/Leatherworking. I would then recommend Q go for two gathering professions, to sell the stuff he gets on the AH for mucho cash. Skinning I find makes a buttload of money if you don't need to do leatherworking. Same with Herbalism.
Kovenant84 said:
As I'm a slightly [not in a bragging way] important member of the party, as the guy who gets the bad guys to hit him instead of the squishy casters (:p), I'm gonna have to work on getting as close to 20 or so as I can.

on behalf of the squishy casters: indeed. :p
besides, you're the group leader, so you should be a couple of levels ahead anyway. ;)
True, true :p

As far as the actual guild-ness goes [my being the leader and all...], I was thinking how useful it is. Just even as far as guild-chat, so that we wouldn't necessarily have to be grouped to be talking and such.

Also, my brother might not be able to play much because of his shitty connection, but he did say he wanted to help form the guild, and he may even stop by here on the boards if he ever gets time.

On a not-so-happy note, I just got an email from my notoriously late-assignment-emailing-project-only-class teacher that has me doing some ridiculous shit by monday. So I'm gonna have to powerlevel my char either sometime tonight or tomorrow night. Otherwise, I won't be online much the rest of the weekend.

sorry for the impending doom, kov. ;)

i like the idea of a guild as some sort of tribute to us being from this board and fans of the band. i know it doesn't really mean much, but we can keep it as some way to know who's part of the "club", and who's just an occasional party member likely to steal all our loot. :) besides, organizations usually mean guidance and authority, and i think all of us who have approached wow in an amateurish way so far, can benefit from knowing someone who can do the telling.
That's basically how I've been viewing the idea of a guild. Basically, a way for us to organize groups for instances, help each other out with quests/items/etc., while identifying what it is we have in common. It'll help us organize what we're going to do, but we won't become as obsessive as MC guilds, I'd say. At least, for the sake of school and my job, I hope not. If we do eventually get enough people to do some of the bigger instances (I may be wrong, but I've heard of some 10 and 20 man raid instances), then that just makes it more awesome. So, until someone makes an Opeth guild and we start a forum war on WoW, I think it's just a fun way of saying that people in our guild listen to better music than anyone else :p

WoW war against opeth guild would be great :grin:
anyway, Im only lvl 17, I think I could try to hit 19 today
my camping trip might get cancelled for rain, but hopefully not. if it does, at least i'll be able to become 21 though...

my boss wanted to see me monday morning and i lied o him about schoolwork. so we better end up doing something on monday morning :loco:
level 70 sounds... odd. an italian magazine spoilered it all with a quickly-substituted cover picture published online, so i had heard the rumors before. frankly - add gone with the wind quote here - i'm fine with any new content because i know i'll be addicted to it. sure, level 70 will likely imbalance pvp, but i suck at pvp anyway, at least until some of you nice people take me to the bg with you, so i don't care that much.

and yes, i know of 20-men raids. i still hope our guild will wind up being like the people on this forum: not big, but really tight. so even if there's just 30 of us, 20 can agree on a day and time to run mc or whatever comes next. something does come next, doesn't it? :p
Yup, a few. I'm not sure if it's pre or post MC, but you now have Zul'Gurrub. There's supposedly a new instance in Silithus. And of course you have Blackwing Lair :) Which I think one or two guilds in the entirety of the US serverdom have actually completed. Hehe.

And yeah, that's what I was hoping for as well. The type of guild that doesn't split up because someone doesn't like the direction it's taking, or got recruited by another guild, or that kind of stuff.

I remember a bunch of us here have mic's. I still remember the fun I had with my old guild on voice chat - I'm gonna look into seeing if there's a [really, really] easy way of setting that up :p

Oops, I juuuuuuust got Alchemy and herbalism to....yes - today (like 1:30 am). OK, will prolly unlearn - cuz flora sucks anyway :D
If anyone needs help with their profession, there's a really good thread on the official forums. Go to, click on the Profession forum low on the left sidebar, and find the thread called something like 'oh look, now it's sticky' or something. Has lots of good links and such.

And if anyone wants to go Pally, they can do so confident that I'll build them good armor :D

as a lvl 20, i went to the barrens for a class quest and took lvl 17 hitori for the ride. we got killed in a bunch of different ways and places, of course, but no lvl 60 ubercommander of the universe was around to camp us.

the highlights of the journey were:

- some orc shaman - i forgot his name... hitori, do you remember? - who camped us for a while until three elite alliance npc's strolled by and jumped him. we then met him again and he didn't attack. we waved and saluted and all that stuff.

- i killed a lvl 21 shaman, thus celebrating my first horde kill on the new server. however, the other lvl 21 who was with him finished the job. it was still two against one, so i'm gonna feel proud for a couple of hours more.
it was a lvl 17 shaman called Crucifier :p he pretended to befriend me, and then hit me from behind when I was least expecting it. A battle ensued, and we were both killed. And yeah, later he not only waved and saluted, but he also apologised several times, and kneeled before rahvin/Blackcurrant. It was a beautiful story of friendship, betrayal, punishment, and redemption.
This thread is fun to follow, eventhough Im not playing. I am tempted to join you, cause you still need a rogue and I pretty much havent played other character (I had one lvl 75 in DII), so I think I would be of some help. But its been more than 5 years now and I really dont have enough time for it. :erk: So, this post might seem pointless, but I just wanted you to know Im with you! :grin: