world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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@plintus: great! though it's gonna be a while before you download the patch and all.

i edited the first post with info about the future guild members. check it out and add us to your friends' list.
plans to run the deadmines next monday!

we hope to put together a 4/5-person party of lvl 20 people, or so i believe. it'll be nice if we could do this no later than 4-5pm eastern time, so i can hope to get some sleep at some point - hint: i'm not on eastern time :p - but if it's not possible i'll cope.

check the first post for details if you're playing and want to participate. the meeting point is in sentinel hill.
i'm in :D
on monday i have to leave at 3pm anyway, so it would have to be before that... but i'm free on friday, not going camping until saturday, so i have aaaaall day... though we might be too low, i'm only 16 now
Did this thread lose some posts during the transfer or what?

Anyway, the estimated time of arrival of my copy is 31 oct - 14 nov. If someone has a spare guest pass I wouldn't mind getting a little taste of the fun meanwhile.
I usually play 6-7:30 pm and 9-11pm EST (got 9-5 job and commute back to Philly takes like 30-40 minutes door-to-door).

What about weekends for party-playing? I'm sure most people will be available for this or that much convenient time :) During the rest of the week we can just pump our chars to the max :D

//missed the day yesterday - Bloodhound Gang and missing tomorrow (Slipknot in town), but expecting to hit lvl 20 before Sunday :loco:
can't you call in sick? or explain that it's an instance
ok, now seriously, weekends are good, only I'm going away to this creepy typical mexican ghost town, world capital of peyote and drunkness (:wave: )



so unfortunately I won't be able to play from Saturday morning until Sunday evening... and next weekend we might be too high for deadmines
well, if most of us are on monday morning, let's do deadmines, and we can do either blackfathom depths or stockades next weekend
i agree with hitori, let's keep plintus entertained the following week-end anyway. :) we can always run the deadmines again, after all.

only, we need at least another damage dealer, for monday.
I doubt my bro could level that fast in a single weekend, but he did say he'd be making a character, at least to help us establish the guild. He said something to the effect of a gnome mage, so perhaps if he can get on that, we'll have our dps.

So are we figuring a Stockades run a week from this sat or sun, and then a DM run this coming monday? I'll let him know - perhaps he can catch up :p I'll try and get in contact with him asap.

...A thought - how late are you getting back sunday, Hitori? Depending if I'm stuck [relative to WoW, of course... I don't mean it'll be unpleasant] w/ the gf (who has no respect for instances) this weekend, I might be able to play Sunday night.

@kov: as a warlock, i need to do black fathom deep at some point before or right after the stockades: there's half of an important quest for my class there. unfortunately, the rest of it is in the barrens and in shadowfang keep (silverspine), so i'll ask someone to help me survive the horde-controlled zones. ;)

and why don't you get your girlfriend to join our guild, too? i thought you mentioned she does play wow, doesn't she?
She used to. She's one of those people who can stand going through the process of char creation -> endgame only once before becoming thoroughly bored. She's also hella busier than me this semester, as she's doing all her senior project/stuff as well as taking/finishing her masters degree this year.

Probably more importantly, I play on her account. My brother has his own that myself and him used to share. From the order in which my gf and I made our mains, she wound up making one on his account, and I made one on the 'new' account, i.e., hers. (I pay for my bro's account, and he [is supposed to] pays me back, so she said she'd pay for the new one) Since then, all my chars have been on 'her' account, and all of hers have been on my brother's. So only two of the three of us would be able to play at a given time.

And I didn't know about the quest thing (though my brother would) as my 'lock isn't that high yet. We should be able to do BFD next weekend, then. If we powerlevel hard enough :p

~kov. (realizing that everyone else has leveled faster than him...)
Hehe, my bro asked me to help him get his char out of a zeppelin loop the other day (his current connection isn't that great - even though he's at college), wherein, by the time his computer loaded Stranglethorn Vale, he was on his way back to Orgrimmar, and vice-versa, and I realized how powerful Warlocks were. He had been complaining that soloing was a bit harder than it used to be. Curious to see what I could expect to get at lvl 30-35 as far as items, I checked out his gear (he's lvl 33). All his gear were greens between lvls 22-25. And he could still play effectively. So I doubt you'll have a problem :p


And I have to get on leveling soon - Civilization IV comes out tomorrow (I believe) so I have to try my best not to get it. Or I'll stop playing WoW for a loooong while :p
I had fun in Zul'Farrak, we went through the whole place pretty much. The best pick up group that I've been in. I'm not usually one for instances (haven't been to SM, other than for one PUG where everything went wrong like it all does in most PUGs, nor to Maraudon and Sunken Temple, but at least there's still time for those) for whatever strange reason. Especially fighting Gahz'rilla was fun just because the thing was so big and then at the end it whacked half of us twenty feet in the air. :p The part at the stairs where a million trolls came at us was fun too.
Ok i think i'm in. I just got myself a guest pass account, i'm gonna write the account name down now for i forgot it already once in under a minute after making it. I'm a little drunk, excuse me. Patching at the moment, about to make the first char.
@qsilver: hooray! you'll be sucked in in no time. may i suggest creating a class that can fulfill our little party's remaining needs? rogues, priests (talent points invested in shadow as soon as you hit lvl 10), paladins are welcome.
Qsilver said:
The one i created last night seems to be a night elf hunter but i guess i can make another one, if it's for the common good.

plintus is a night elf hunter too. in normal conditions there wouldn't be any problem to have two or more players sharing the same class, but - as you might have noticed - we're still a little short on contributions and are trying to come up with a decent party to run the first instances of the game. as far as my terrible knowledge of the game goes, a balanced party should have a healer (priest/druid), a tank (warrior/ possibly protection-specialized paladin), 1.5 or 2 damage dealers (mage/rogue) and any number of supporting damage dealers such as other casters or ranged-damage classes (warlocks/shamans/hunters). as of now, we have a druid, a warlock, a warrior, and a hunter. hence the wish to add people to fill the other roles.

however, if your heart is set on your current character, you shouldn't change just because of that. we can always invite other people or drag others in.