world of warcraft

do you play world of warcraft?

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guild names - "suicidal angels" sounds, perhaps inadvertently, too emo. "final resistance" is my favorite of those mentioned here. it's very straightforward and refers to (a) a popular song; (b) name pages on the site.
or we could go for something more arcane and cryptic with added comedy value, like "dreamlore degenerates" or "shadow duels".

ui - before i download and install the one kov mentioned, i'd like to point out that i'm mostly interested in: the titan bar at the top of the screen; all-in-one inventory; remaining time of buffs always on screen; movable buttons to put my skills and minimap where i want'em; numeric value for my own and mob's health/mana always on screen, possibly (but i'm not sure) along with differently shaped/colored bars. i already have fastquest and a coordinates tracker installed. i don't care about dramatically changing xp bar or anything else.

horde/alliance - i can roll either, not a problem. my choice of alliance was because i know the starting and mid-level zones of alliance a bit better. i'm probably going to get another warlock anyway, unless somebody wants to give it a try instead. undead or human, depending on what we decide. i like my demons a lot, so i tend to go master demonologist/ruin, but that's not set in stone either.

last night i got to level 31 and respecced two points out of affliction and into demonology. i also have now a very silly hat. :goggly:
Uh, I'm playing, until next month when a better game with actual end game
content comes out.

Wow is ok, kinda like a bad movie on a hangover morning. But it sure isn't an
RPG in any sense, it's more like a MMOFPS, it's ok, but only up to a point,
then it starts repeating itself badly.

I am right now playing with my work buddy and we are kicking so much ass
we forget to take names :D
Oh and I've been playing since EU release, with about a month of break due
to utter boredom, so, yes, I do know what I'm talking about :p

I spend more time on my GUI and addons than I do playing the game.
Also thinking of making a movie, if I ever remember to turn fraps on when I
am PvPing.
@salmy: you're welcome in our future guild. until something better comes along for you. ;)

i'm fascinated by wow in a way that doesn't have much to do with what it has to offer in terms of good playing time. the social dynamics, the geeky lingo, the potential for open-ended vastness (and yes, repetitivity instead of a sense of progression) entrance me like a four-year-old at the village fair. i don't think i'm naive, though - in the sense that i don't think i'm acting all excited about something which is not that new at all - but i'm also sure something better will come along, in the same way that gone with the wind is a horrible movie, and yet a necessary step on the way to big-budget productions.

i see thousands of players running amok on the gigantic map, hoping for that 0.2% blue drop to sell at the ah, and i'm stunned by the complexity, if not the beauty. i don't mean the complexity of the code, or the programming skills needed, as much as the effect of complexity and the multiplications of patterns.
I have a 60 horde in bladefist and there is a guild called Dark Tranquillity already. I asked one of the members does he like the band but he had never even heard about it.
Infernium said:
I have a 60 horde in bladefist and there is a guild called Dark Tranquillity already. I asked one of the members does he like the band but he had never even heard about it.

awesome. is the name of the guild actually "tranquillity" with two l's? that would put an end to many an argument on this board. ;)

infernium, you're welcome to help set things right for dt, nay, the whole world, if you wish to join our guild-to-come.
@rahv - Silly hats are all the rage now :) Only reason I recommended the Insomniax compilation, is because it has all the mods you just requested built into it :) The reason I'd download the full CT Mod Bundle as well, is because I really don't like the movable bar mod that comes with the new version of Insomniax (CT used to come with it, and he switched it out for a overly complex, subpar one).

As it stands, it seems we have Rahv, Hitori, Li, Infernus, myself, and soon Plintus. I get the impression that Salmy's running an EU version (no?).

In any case, I reeeally like "Final Resistance" and "Crimson Winds". I'll have to decide from there. I think I'm going to make an Alliance character on Spinebreaker, as it seems that most of the people interested are more comfortable with alliance-side gameplay (and as much as I blindly love horde, they really short-changed them in terms of finishing details). I have no prob with Rahv being our resident Warlock. (and I prefer the demonology tree too:p) I was debating either a Warrior or Pally, which means that we might want to talk about race selection. Seeing as we can all meet up, regardless of race, by about lvl 10, it's not that important. But if we want to run around each other alot at low levels, it might be better if we stayed close.

On that note - thinking Human, or Gnome, Rahv? (refrains from height jokes) 'Cause I can go Dwarf or Human for either of my choices.

And who'd be up for being our resident priest? (They're seriously so fun to play :) Especially shadow-specced)

Kovenant84 said:
The reason I'd download the full CT Mod Bundle as well, is because I really don't like the movable bar mod that comes with the new version of Insomniax (CT used to come with it, and he switched it out for a overly complex, subpar one).

so, if i understand correctly, i only need insomniax and the non-movable bar that comes with ct? so should i disable everything else in ct except for that bar, and have everything on in insomniax except for it?

edit: also, can you post a link to the ct mod bundle? the presentation page will suffice.

On that note - thinking Human, or Gnome, Rahv? (refrains from height jokes) 'Cause I can go Dwarf or Human for either of my choices.

i'll go human again, as i like elwynn forest better as a starting zone. and warlocks could really use the human spirit bonus. i'll try and roll a new blackcurrant on the server you mentioned later today. don't know how much we'll be around each other during the first few levels, though, as pretty much everyone can level up pretty quickly on his own time.

And who'd be up for being our resident priest? (They're seriously so fun to play :) Especially shadow-specced)

hitori has a priest on stonemaul. :) and yes, whoever chooses to do it should go shadow, as side-by-side with a warlock everyone could use the benefit of more shadow sources of damage. then i guess we're gonna opt for a restoration-specced druid for healing?
Shadow can actually do some semi-decent healing in shadowform with Vampiric Embrace active :)

I think the druid idea works best, as far as who'll be healer. In that case, I'll go full warrior (human) to maximize tanking ability. To that end, I'll also go protection specced.

I'll get all that mod linkage for you in a sec. The most helpful things that came in Insomniax, at least for my warlock, were Atlas (the instance map set), Titan Bar, ShardTracker (pretty damn helpful), and a few other little mods, like DefenseTracker, DefendYourself, and such. CTMod I've used for the movable bar mod, sorting everything into one big bag, moving all the frames (i.e.,stickied quests, buffs, etc.), as well as (i believe its one of the ct ones) adding text to all health/mana/energy bars. There's also a mod in Insomniax I use called EquipCompare - compares whatever your weilding/wearing with the thing you just picked up, or are rolling on, so you can easily decide which is better.

I'm gonna go log on now to get some screenshots - I'll have a few up in a bit.

thanks! the interface looks good in these pics.

since for now i can't do much except talk about it (at the office, and here i will remain until 6pm cet, 12pm eastern), i might wind up posting a rant about my favorite warlock build, if i'm really bored. it's a 0/30/21 thing.
ok, here it is. it focuses on making the most out of my pets, putting me in a supporting caster/indirect damage dealer position.

sacrifices need to be made to get to both master demonologist and ruin, so i have to skip some useful abilities. in my comments, i seldom mean something wouldn't be nice to have, even when i criticize how useful it actually is.


tier 1 - improved imp 3/3; demonic embrace 3/5. i wouldn't bother with improved healthstone, as the healing bonus is negligible to higher levels, unless you really plan to have low total health points, which i don't. i don't max out demonic embrace because i mean to keep spirit my highest characteristic, as warlocks may end up having to wait for way too long between enemies unless mana/health regeneration are super-fast. on the other hand, the low levels really benefit from the stamina boost, and if you make them your first 3 talent point spent you don't have much layover time between investing in demonic embrace and moving on to better things. i'd suggest maxing out improved imp next, ending with tier 1 complete at level 15.

tier 2 - improved voidwalker 3/3; fel intellect 3/5. again, i'm leaving health funnel completely out of this, since it seems to risky to me to go through such trouble just to save a pet. if the imp is attacked, this means i'm in serious trouble anyway, and the vw/succubi/felhunter can take care of themselves long enough for me to think of something better than wasting health on prolonging their agony. i admit the ability is not useless itself, but i don't care enough to boost it. i wish i could max out fel intellect, but as it is i prefer to boost the pets' health later on. besides, mana is not a must for the vw, who's sometimes wasting buckets of it in the useless effort of attracting the aggro of mobs who are already pounding hard on him, or mobs who are very resistant/immune/hate me for no reason. as to when to get these, i'd still say right away and before spending any point in destruction: you're done by level 21, which means you have two powerful pets by your side to help you stay out of danger until you level up some more.

tier 3 - improved succubus 3/3; fel stamina 5/5. what i'm leaving out here is fel domination (and, consequently, master summoner on tier 4). i'm not sure i understand why, at this point, i should be drooling at the idea of saving mana/time to summon my pets. again, if i'm forced to summon in a situation where i don't have time to recover afterwards, i'm already in a bad place and time. i tend to do all of my summoning away from the field, and if a battle ends with a pet dead, i try to get to (relative) safety instead of struggling on relentless. ok, so maybe not slowing down can help me reduce the layover, or get through some escort missions. all things considered, though, it all seems terribly underpowered compared to maxing out my succubus and making all of my pets more resilient. however, before investing in this tree again, i'm usually inclined to spend 11 points in destruction (see below) to improve my damage output and my speed, all the way to the extremely useful shadowburn. therefore, these points should be spent between levels 32-39.

tier 4 - unholy power 5/5. with master summoner out of the question and master demonologist in sight, it's compulsory to max out in this further improvement for my pets. i'd recommend spending four more points in destruction (see below) before doing this though, as it will make the overall developmet of the demons more robust and complete. so, i plan to get these points between levels 43-48.

tier 5 - no points spent here. improved firestone and improved enslave demon are simply not worth the investment. if you compare their bonus to that given by lower-tier abilities i chose, you'll notice how these are either very temporary or relying on circumstance. i'm not keen on investing points in boosting activities i'm not sure i'll rely on in the foreseeable future. demonic sacrifice is another matter entirely, as it does indeed provide a pretty interesting bonus for 30 minutes, for the rather small price of sacrificing your pet. there are, however, a couple of annoying drawbacks that make me avoid this ability. the first is that the vw bonus does not cumulate with the vw ability to sacrifice itself (himself?) to grant the warlock a temporary shield, thus making one of the two redundant. the second is that the bonus expires as soon as i summon a new pet. i haven't spent 60% of my talent points in demonology to prance around the world demonless for a whole 30 minutes, like the silliest idiot in the universe. if it's some sort of "last chance" saving grace, it should last less and be more effective. if it's not, why suggest i can get to tier 5 in demonology and develop a petless playing style?

tier 6 - master demonologist 5/5. finally, we're there. i wouldn't really want to wait until level 60 to get the bonus from this ability, so i'd go for it between levels 49-54.


tier 1 - improved shadow bolt 5/5. having to stay at a minimum to reach ruin, i had to sacrifice either this or cataclysm. i chose the latter mainly because the 5% reduction is not going to make that much of a difference later on, and i can always compensate at lower levels with keeping a high value in spirit. also, intellect is likely going to end up being my second-highest characteristic anyway, giving me plenty of mana. also, using drain mana as often as possible while the voidwalker beats up the baddies is an excellent way to regenerate quickly. besides, in the light of what we've said about our guild going to have a shadow-specced priest, the bonus to shadow damage is really worth getting. there's however no need to rush to complete this tier, since basically what it means is you'll have to dual-shadow bolt the enemy quickly, and few mobs are worth the exhausting procedure before level 20. so i'd spend these points between levels 21-26.

tier 2 - bane 5/5. it's not so much that aftermath has no use, but you can't really go far without bane, especially once you've seen how mind-numbingly slow your shadow bolts are. this is also a reason to get this ability maxed out as soon as possible after tier 1 is complete, since you don't want to take two hours to dual-bolt the unfortunate mob. therefore, i'd go for it between levels 26-31.

tier 3 - improved firebolt 2/2; improved lash of pain 2/2; devastation 5/5; shadowburn 1/1. i'm maxing out in all of the abilities on this tier. while the first two complete your pets' improvement and can probably wait levels 39-42 to complete, shadowburn is important and easy to achieve, so i'd get it at level 31 to 32. the damage it does is impressive for that level, and it may even pay you back for the shard used, which is very important at lower levels. devastation, on the other hand, can probably wait to complete until demonology is done and over with, so i'll buy it between levels 54-59.

tier 4 - no points spent here. searing pain is for desperate times, given the threat it creates, so i won't bother improving the chances that it doesn't get me killed right away. ;) intensity and destructive reach focus on wide area spells that are not really helpful for a warlock's crowd control problems, and i only use them when victory is either taken for granted or depending on factors like someone else's skill or luck (will that paladin kill at least two mob before all five of them decide the guy in the cloth making flames fall from the skies should be their biggest problem?).

tier 5 - ruin 1/1. and that's all, of course.

it's a very good recipe to become one of the classes with highest direct damage, even though it leaves you hanging there when it comes to defending yourself and recovering strength. it doesn't really bother me that my curses are not very effective due to lack of points in affliction: curses are to use against single mobs when i solo, and kill them otherwise, or to cast on a mob someone else is killing off, while i sit back and relax or take care of someone else. they'll do their job regardless of the intensity.

end of the long rant. as an aside, i have to say playing a warlock is really entertaining, and people shouldn't give up too soon: some situations are really... different when tackled by warlocks.
I've been supposed to get the game since day 1 but I just haven't really had enough time to make it worth 10-20 euros a month or whatever it costs (finishing Warcraft3 took me 7 months), until recently. Most likely i'll buy it by the end of the month and I guess it would be more fun to play with other people. So one could call me interested.
When/if I start playing, it will be very irregular.

[slightly offtopic]
rahvin, have you tried HoMM5 beta yet? :)
[/slightly offtopic]
I've been inspired by Rahv, and because I'm in school and can't physically play WoW right this second, I'm gonna post my very fun Shadow Priest build - in case whoever decides to go priest wants to follow this path.

Keep in mind - this is geared towards maximum utility in a PvP setting, while still being useful in PvE.

Lvl 10-14: 5/5 Blackout. Nothing is more satisfying than watching a paladin go to shield himself and find himself stunned. By a priest no less. Basically a damn useful side effect to spells you'd be using anyway.

Lvl 15-19: 5/5 Unbreakable Will. Naturally, I'd be inclined to try to reach Shadowform at lvl 40. But I've found this talent to be incredibly helpful against mages and certain (really pesky) mobs who enjoy silencing.

Lvl 20-24: 2/5 Shadow Focus, 3/3 Improved Power Word Shield. IPWS is a must have, and while I personally also maxed out PW Fort at the same time, you'll want Shadowform sometime before 60.

Lvl 25-30: 5/5 Shadow Focus, 1/1 Mind Flay, 2/2 Improved Psychic Scream. Again, maxing SF is just good form. Mind Flay, if you've ever seen a Shadow Priest, is possibly one of the most useful spells around, if only just for keeping flag runners in BG from getting away quickly (it does have other uses). PS is a must solely for the ability to keep stuff off of you. Note: Never ever ever ever use PS in an instance. Your group will dismember you.

Lvl 30-35: 2/5 Imp. Mind Blast, 3/3 Shadow Reach. I don't know how useful Shadow Reach really is, but personally, I like to cast from as far away as possible. Imp. Mind Blast just helps with that ridiculously long cooldown.

Lvl 36-40: 2/2 Imp. Fade, 1/1 Vampiric Embrace, 1/1 Silence, 1/5 Shadow Weaving. The ranks in Fade can be put into Imp. MB if you wish, I just find that at this point I create ridiculous aggro with my spells, and Fade always helps the tank grab the mobs back without much effort. Vampiric Embrace, now that it's been fixed, allows you to heal in Shadowform almost as well as you would out of it, and hey, you were gonna do that damage anyway. Silence is just hella fun for PvP, especially against pesky Paladins, Shamans, Druids, and all their hybrid ilk.

Lvl 41-45: 5/5 Shadow Weaving, 1/5 Darkness. Shadow Weaving will not only help you deal more damage, but it will also increase the damage done by the warlock in the party, as well. Darkness is just fun, of course, as it increases your base shadow damage.

Lvl 46-50: 5/5 Darkness, 1/1 Shadowform. Grab Shadowform as soon as you can (Lvl 48 I believe with this build). It not only looks friggin amazing, it really really helps if you ever need to solo, something otherwise usually impossible for a priest at these levels.

Lvl 51-60: Really you can do whatever you want here. I find that maxing out Imp. MB at this point can help, as well as taking the two ranks in Imp. PW Fort.

And now I shall go play some more :D

Qsilver said:
I've been supposed to get the game since day 1 but I just haven't really had enough time to make it worth 10-20 euros a month or whatever it costs

supposing you're paying for the software in addition to the account, you have to dish out about 35 euros for the program. the six-month subscription costs about 66 euros, so it's 10.something a month.

When/if I start playing, it will be very irregular.

i thought so myself. prepare to painfully rearrange priorities. :erk:

[quote+rahvin, have you tried HoMM5 beta yet? :)[/quote]

not yet, no. is it any good? i saw a trailer, looked perfect in the way homm tends to be, as in: identical to every other part of the saga, with revamped graphics.
And just a thought - are we gonna be all communalistic and stuff and divy out professions for each member of our 1337 strike force, to supply each other with crazy gear? :p

In all seriousness, though, I'm gonna go with the mining/blacksmithing combo. Seems best for a warrior.

Edit: Q, just make sure you get a US copy, so you can play on our server :D

i tend to have no problem with communism. :p in fact, i'm usually a little too kind in parties, for instance (because loot and money comes in potentially infinite supply, doesn't it?), and usually just hate to have to rush through things or people telling me what to do for no reason.

so i'm open to the decisions made "for the common good" when it comes to professions. tentatively, i suppose tailoring and enchanting could be an option, for my class.
whoa whoa
you're all going too fast and too geeky for me, it's overwhelming :p

anyway, I'm pretty submissive in parties. If someone decides to take charge and boss me around, I'm ok with that. However, if no one's up for it or the leader is unsatisfying and the whole party is chaotic, then I step up and lead. But I'm comfortable with someone else doing that.

I don't much go for communism, I'm usually a selfish pig. No, but seriously, I've never really participated with my guilds and never really owned anything worth sharing. Don't go much to AH either. But I'm trying to become the new sharing me, so yeah, let's do communism.

I think I'm sticking with herbalism and alchemy
and I want a character that is able to heal, that's why I'll go with either druid or priest. I feel too vulnerable being anything else. I'll go make my character in Spinebreak now and add Kovenant and blackcurrant (I think?)
The monetary part isn't that big of a problem since I'm working now and because I'll have only one weekend off during rest of the year I'll save tons of money by not being able to support local bar owners that much.
And by irregular I meant mostly the time of the day I'll be playing, could be anything from early morning to late night.
I'm sure it won't be a problem to play almost on daily basis and steady 50-100 hours a month if I get sucked into the game the way I believe I will be :P

But what's the thing with US and EU(?) copies, only difference is the available servers? And how easily can i get a US copy here, and do the "playing time cards" sold here work with US copy?

The new HoMM seemed allright except for the town which i didn't really like and the fact that on this computer it was running around 2 frames per second which gives me a "good" reason to get a new one some day.
Enchanting is yummy :) Expensive, but if we are going for communism, then we'll just give you all the greens we find :)

I'm surprised you don't use the AH, Hitori - I've made craploads of cash just selling random green drops. Considering I then buy my own equipment off the AH, I guess I'm just good at that kind of thing, as I usually have a surplus of about 50s-1g after each sell/buy transaction :)

I think that as a group we can definitely make some cash if we get a good combo that can breeze through instances and the like. I'm assuming that most of the times we'll play will be on weekends simply because some of us work and the timezone situations.

So that means, now we have a tank, healer, multipurpose tool... and we need a ... DPS machine, and perhaps a hybrid?

And I have to say, in game, I'm much less geeky... no, wait, I'm not. :p

ok, I'm Krimhielt (night elf druid) in Spinebreaker, added Kovenant, don't know what your nick there is, Rahvin

and Qsilver, get the US version, it'll be worth it. don't know if the game cards work though :S