World of Warcraft (WoW)

I play it and absolutely love it. My highest is a 74 undead mage. I play with my husband and kids also, but haven't had the problems of HaloSlayer.

You absolutely do not have the same problems as me. Considering I have/had (my account goes offline Aug 1) the following:

80 NE Warrior rare geared
80 Dwarf Priest epic geared
80 Human DK epic geared

Not to mention several others in the mid 60s-70s

I have ran every raid and dungeon on both heroic (when allowed) and normal.

So yeah I was spending too much time in Azeroth.
I guess you never read the tip of the day that goes something like "Bring your friends to Azeroth, but remember to go outside Azeroth with them too !"
You dont listen too that shit when your are loading just thinking "I Wonder if i have any mail :D"
Yeah people above me are right, DONT START!!! It will be your doom...
I played since the beginning though thankfully I managed to stop 2 months ago.
Will spill your life, i spent more than 150 days PLAYED!
Not as hard to quit as people suggest. Stopped playing about two weeks back (after nearly three years).

(EU) Thunderhorn's a great place. To play is to be consumed, and you have to play to realise the full extent of the addiction.
Hm. Considering I'm quite a nerdy kinda guy, I started the WOW free trial and got bored after about half an hour.

The only real RPG type things I like with leveling up and grinding is Final Fantasy.
I played WoW off and on since release. It's amusing, but not my kind of game. Got bored of WAR, too, so now I'm mostly dicking around playing Aion on the Chinese servers and waiting for NA release.
wow sucks. But Amon Amarth on the other hand kicks major ass!
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I played WoW off and on since release. It's amusing, but not my kind of game. Got bored of WAR, too, so now I'm mostly dicking around playing Aion on the Chinese servers and waiting for NA release.

How is that game anyways? I been hearing mixed things bout it...but a good friend of mine is building a guild so I will be stuck least checking it out.
Not as hard to quit as people suggest. Stopped playing about two weeks back (after nearly three years).

(EU) Thunderhorn's a great place. To play is to be consumed, and you have to play to realise the full extent of the addiction.

I did not think it was hard to quit. It was a relief to quit. It felt quite nice to not have to worry about dailies or getting my pots and flasks together before Ulduar.

No, what I had a problem with is not playing before I quit. And when I wasn't playing, I was thinking about playing. I would browse wow sites like wowhead and wow wiki. At work I would get on a talent calculator and tweak my specs for hours. I would spend time on the forums posting what strategies are better for raids and dungeons.

Then I went on vacation this year with no laptop and no gaming whatsoever. It felt so good not thinking about the game that when I came home I decided to quit.

And for those of you looking for a way to link this thread to Amon Amarth topics, the last expansion brought a lot of Viking lore to the game. It's pretty bastardized and lame but it is definitely there. For instance the bosses in Ulduar: Auriaya, Freya, Hodir, Thorim and Kologarn. One dungeon has a boss called Sjonnir and another has a boss call Loken. Several quests even go into the betrayals. The game lore has them all being Titans with the dwarfs being their descendants. Why they thought the descendants of a people with above average height would be dwarfs is beyond me.

I remember someone posting about the Conan MMORPG earlier. Did they use Viking lore in that game as well? I can't remember the exact phrase but didn't Conan say he would be asked the meaning of steel and if he could not answer he would be cast out of Valhalla? I think it was something like that.
I'm scared to play, one of my friends started playing and I went for like a year without seeing him outside of school more than like a couple of times. Pretty crazy. He's mostly back to normal though, has been ever since I saw Amon Amarth with him, or maybe it was GWAR. Either way, now he's sort of addicted to music and Half-Life stuff.

My advice is don't start playing during (or right before) a vacation or something like that. Because you'll end up spending any time to kill on a game, and then get used to it. Happened for me to an extent on Gears of War. I still play it almost daily, but I only play it for 45 minutues or so in the summer, and less in the school year.
Amon Amarth and WoW are a horrible combination. Especially if you play a warrior. Then it's 5+ hours of nonstop playing and weight gain FTL.
I heard "they" were gonna make a Warcraft movie, is that true?
If the movie is as awesome as some of the Warcraft 3 and WoW cinematics that will kick major ass.
Arthas is probably the coolest character in Warcraft :

Illidan is pretty cool too :