World of Warcraft (WoW)

80 warr, 80 DK, 80 Mage, 70 Huntard, 42 Shammy :lol:

although I don't play in guilds nor raid, as I'd rather control the game than having it controlling me. you might think "aah he must be playing 24/7". but I actually played it since it came out, and leveled some chars since then. and nowadays it's alot easier to level with the 10% boost from that patch+recruit a friend 10% boost+1-80 shoulders with a 10% boost - 0-80 instantly.

play on Daggerpine EU btw.
I also play CS.. and Bejeweled..
Reopened my account today,I like the Argent Tourny....they show you past foes,watching myself get my ass kicked by Hogger was epic lol
I reopened my account recently as well (finally gave in!). Looking forward to rerolling an orc warrior and pillaging your pathetic alliance towns!:flame:
hmmm I really wanna start playing again now that I'd promised myself to stop until I'm done school. The only real problem I have is that you have to spend so much time playing to understand what's going on on the server and in general....time that I should really devote to such things as school work :S
the thing that ticks me off is that after 3 years and $700 i can't start it up and show someone how my netherdrake shakes the walls unless i fork over another $15.

i won't be playing any more mmo's unless they have a lifetime subscription or offline option.

so here's hoping swtor has a lifetime option, eh?