World of Warcraft


Unbanned Once
Apr 23, 2006
My bed
heya gr1mz0rz, was just wondering if there were any of you dudes hanging round on the wow europe servers?
Fuck WoW.

@~blondie~: WoW is Word of Warcraft, a MMPORG that sucks after a certain level is obtained and with shitty graphics. CS:S (Counterstrike Source) is something completely different. It too, is online but it's repetitious. I quit playing CS becfore CSS game out. I retired just in time for FFXI to come out and that was 2 1/2 years ago.
And fuckin stop deleting posts and threads without a reason
Massively multi player online role playing game. its for Nerds that would rather spend most of there years playing a single game. its kinda pathetic.
Raistlin Majere said:
if you have a weak character and no social life, then yes.
+1 that are generally ppl beeing at home the whole day
^^ we have a dude at school:
124 kilos, doesnt go to school about every 2nd day just to play WoW, no friends and bad marks as well
I have ppl in my grade on my school, who have friends, are talkative and have good marks, are not fat, but nonetheless addicted to this game.
Nashira said:
I have ppl in my grade on my school, who have friends, are talkative and have good marks, are not fat, but nonetheless addicted to this game.
well hunny, if you're against itt, just do not play it. As a normal person myself, i have been playing this game for ages though i was never addicted to it. Addictiveness towards online gaming is pretty common, though theres a slight thing between "addictiveness" and "spending much time with the game" that is, if you choose this game over your friends, that means you are addicted. If not, its just a choice made by you to ruin a certain period in your life. Which kinda leads to the same way, then again thats not the same thing.