Worship Music Re-release + covers

That's what I assumed, but it keeps being mentioned every time the Re-release does.

Probably just because it was recorded in the same batch of songs? Usually with those tribute albums the songs are exclusive to that release.
but I'm not 100% sure...I've never explicitly asked.

...ummm..now u make yourself like Joey..:grin:

Sorry...got to pull that. Man ..you're good. Having a chance to sit with a member of the band, talking over 'coffee', chatting...its a great chance.

I respect u for maintaining such professionalism....I hereby will stop making silly requests.

Early info said that it'll be release in the end OCTOBER...Guess there are stuffs they need to sort out ( as always)
So Scott twitted: Tracked 3 songs today for the covers thing/re-release. Itching to write new @Anthrax

So the release is going to be re scheduled??
..and he need to scratch....
U have to hand it to anthrax,they are fucking hopeless at getting shit done properly,they tease is with an ep release in wich we now have to wait forever for it!
Frankie in `One Long Day'.

How bad does this film look... hahaha.
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guess the delay is due to a band wanting to do everything perfect musicwise. the latter is good for all music lovers for all the coming years, as soon as we get to hear the finished material, but yeah it does suck right now ...