Worship Music Re-release + covers

No, it is completely due to re-recording.
This actually suits me just fine. I am happy to wait for a better product. And who knows, perhaps they will add some more songs. And a have a ton of cash tied up in concert tickets and other albums right now with Christmas coming up. It also gives them a reason to tour in the US again next year when they re-release the album.
This actually suits me just fine. I am happy to wait for a better product. And who knows, perhaps they will add some more songs. And a have a ton of cash tied up in concert tickets and other albums right now with Christmas coming up. It also gives them a reason to tour in the US again next year when they re-release the album.

Key Words:

Better product

Add more songs

other albums

....all are good good reasons!!:kickass:
In that case, they need to get that out there ASAP and get to work on the new album, if they really want it out "2 years from Worship's release"