Worst album cover

It's probably swollen and red because it's taken a thrashing... given that picture is obviously from some porn.

Edit: And because I'm bored...


Atleast it doesnt rape your eyes as hard.

It looks bland that way.

For an album that aggressive (under Sabbath standards anyways), I like that the cover "rapes your eyes".

I shudder to think of what you'd think of the color scheme on the Born Again Demos bootleg. :lol:
I actually didn't mind the Dance Of Death album cover, but then again, haven't really looked at it that closely. If it was just the reaper and that floor with no-one/thing around him, then yeah, it'd probably be better.

However, just been checking out Destruction... and this reminds me a whole lot of the brain bug from Starship Troopers....faiiil.
