Worst albums that you own?


The Necromancer!
Dec 9, 2003
Irlanda del Norte
Mine would be:

Monster Magnet - Powertrip
White Zombie - Astrocreep 2000
Helloween - Better than Raw
Iced Earth - Something Wicked...
Sadly I would have to say Judas Priest's Jugulator. It was the beginning of a bad time and era for this truely talented band.
Various nu-metal albums from years ago. They are seperate from my collection now, though.
I bought them before I knew the definition of metal:

Stinkin Puke - Hybrid Bullshit
Dull Bizkit - Shitnifigant Brothers
Paint - Break the sphere

Dude, I'm glad that's over and don't worry the trashman is listening to them when I gave them in for free.
The_Evil_Gentleman said:
I bought them before I knew the definition of metal:

Stinkin Puke - Hybrid Bullshit
Dull Bizkit - Shitnifigant Brothers
Paint - Break the sphere

Dude, I'm glad that's over and don't worry the trashman is listening to them when I gave them in for free.

:yuk: :tickled:
I used to be the same.
Tye said:
I heard that Abigor were supposed to be very good. I can agree that reroute-to-remain and Jugulator are cringeworthy.
The Abigor's cd was a present of a person who was in love with Metalium :puke: (and already you easily understand it wasn't able to choose black metal album I like). Anyway I can assume the dislike I have for the cd is conditioned by the memory of a person with horrible musical taste (in my opinion).
I think the release I hate more than any others I own is Hin Onde - Firey September Fire. I may even hate it more than GDoW, but both deserve a mention here.
hahahahha I forgot about my glam 'metal' cd's!

Poison - Greatest Hits
Extreme - pornograffiti
Warrent - Greatest Hits
Defleppard - The Vault
I also have Load, Re-load, Garage inc. The more I post the more I realise that I have a lot of crap albums. At least I did'nt buy st anger
Garage Inc. fucking owns...The cover of loverman is worth the price alone. That song just wants me to make hot, long, passionate love to a foreign woman and walk out the door when I'm done with her.

Let's see worst cd I own...and actually paid money for? I'll go with Earshot's debut. ::shivers::
Astral_Dominion said:
Hey! Let's have a go-into-the-details conversation and get this thread closed!
It cannot be that hard to catch the sarcasm. I'm so trvely kvltly sorry I forgot the smiley!
Just fuck off. I'm glad to add yet another crappy post to this thread.