Worst excuses you've ever heard from fellow bandmates....

"I have to wash my hair." He was joking of course, but it was pretty funny at the time.

We used to always get actual lame excuses from our old bass player, though. Thankfully we parted ways.

Also, you guys that dislike Dillinger should listen to songs like dead as history, mouth of ghosts, widower, unretrofied, and parasitic twins. I disliked them at first as well.
we had to practice a few songs with my old "school band", just covers that we already knew.
The bassplayer said (we practiced after our lessons, in the school) that he had to take a shit,
so 15 minutes later, he came back and said he lost his bass on the way...

A few months later, we practiced again, kicked the bass player and the second guitar player
said, that he's going to play bass, I said, sure, if he want's to.
They all knew that I play bass since a few years, but they all wanted him to play bass because
I was the better guitar player (and I suck) so, we had our first rehearsal, the second guitar player
arrived, I asked him where his bass was "I have no bass" WHAT?!
Yeah, he thought he just plays single notes on the low strings and turn the bass up and the treble
The other guys in the band had no problem with it and said, that bass doesn't matter (we were
covering chili peppers songs for example), that was the moment I left the band, it was even better
with the old shitty bassplayer.

"Couldn't stop thinking about this girl in the shower"

"Lost track of time in the shower"

"I had to take a dump, but was in the shower"

Never, ever, do I want to see his shower...
Our other bass player cost us several gigs because he'd smash his bass on stage (because it was out of tune) and couldn't afford to replace it for a few weeks. I typed that correctly...it happened several times.

My last band had a bassist who smashed his bass 3 or 4 times on stage. Broke part of the one stage, even. Didnt have a replacement, so he had the other guitarist "fix" it up....duct tape, etc. Yeah.....It's not the bass's fault it's out of tune and the action is 3 inches off the fretboard and your strap falls off every time you move around.
My drummer text me on Sunday morning at 7am saying he couldn't sleep so he couldn't make rehearsal at 12. I didn't see the problem, if he was awake then rehearsed, he'd sleep really well after it.

Had lots of excuses from my singer/bass player. Mainly girlfriend related.

I've missed rehearsal in its entirety due to being wasted once. Got a call at 1pm asking if I was coming down and I said yes as I intended too, but I fell asleep and woke up at 4... fml