Worst Growler in Metal Music

I heard many, many times that the male vocalist from Epica was terrible, I think he's not bad but Im not an expert.
nergal's growl isnt really great in the way that mike's is, or diverse like tagtgren's, but i like the sheer aggression of his style. i wouldnt call him a bad vocalist
I agree with who ever said the vocalist of Lamb of God. Especially early LoG... shit man, get the guy some water!
This guy rules though:

"Doo man raaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn!!"
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Apparently, there's somebody worse than Dani Filth. Really.

The vocalist from Sunn O))). Shit band, shit vocalist. =) I never thought vocalists could be THAT bad, until I heard them. Now I'll never dare to listen to Drone Metal ever again, it's so bad, it's scary hahaha