Worst If Song? ( Opinion)

Espcially Where The Women Screams And It Comes Back In. Mmmm, Women Screaming , I Mean Uhhh Whats That Over There. -------->
---------> Ting
Blackwinged said:
The Clayman album as a whole is terrible.
VERY BOLD statement. Im gonna have to disagree , but im curious as to why you have said that. I love pinball map and clayman and suburban me and well the rest of the album.
Yeah, Transparent, although the solo is pretty good. Moonshield is notable for being in 3/4, but it's pretty boring. Dead God in Me is the worst song off of TJR. Resin isn't all that good either.
Blackwinged, I thought I was the only other IF fan to really dislike Clayman. The first 3 songs are ok, but overall... That album sucks. Worst IF song Dark Signs, that song is just aweful.
Woops, don't know why I said Dark Signs. I was thinking Free Fall. I can't get past the stupid music box sounding intro or the cheesy lyrics on Free Fall.
Requiem960 said:
Blackwinged, I thought I was the only other IF fan to really dislike Clayman. The first 3 songs are ok, but overall... That album sucks. Worst IF song Dark Signs, that song is just aweful.
Are you serious? Dark Signs was one of the only songs on Reroute that didn't suck ass.
Well I'd have to say black and white, that song just doesn't hold me like the rest of them. ANd trasparent is good if you know what your listening for. There are very low harmonies between the guitars and its not as boring of a riff if you look at it that way