Worst vocal performances in a song

Well the first glaring problem Pandemonium has is how the vocals are processed. Like a lot of the riffs are really good, the vocals themselves are great, but they are processed and mixed totally garbage.

EDIT: the ending riff to Bonzai Kamikazee has a total WWE breakdown nu metal riff WITH A FUCKING RAID SIREN ADDED.
I think the first problem is a visual one. It lacks the superbly wonderful cover art of the first two CC albums!
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In all fairness, the energy is there. The riffs are there. Fuck even the vocals while mixed poorly fucking rule. But I think thats really what kills it...the poor mix.

That artwork is pretty bad too.
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The green of the cover is very....very...something. Psychosis is definitely better than Pandemonium though I still think it could have been better.
I could dig Max's vocals on Chaos AD with that proto-Machine Head type bullshit, but Roots is the epitome of awful in Max's vocals.
Pretty hard not to dig Max's vox on Chaos. Possibly the best stuff he ever put down on wax.

But Roots is horrible.
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Roots was an absolute travesty and the worst thing is that they didn't recover from it. Max was the one with the idea for sure, but Andreas did nothing to improve over that crap. I think Nation and Roorback are even worse than Roots, tho.
Max at least expanded and tried new things after a while.

Andreas just doesnt know how to write a good riff I think and thats pretty apparent without Max in Sepultura. I haven't listened to any it the Derrick Green material in a long while. I think I last listened to the Dante album and it was just bland at best.
Megadeth wouldn't be the top tier thrash band they are without Mustaine and his vocals so an argument that it shouldn't happen is as pointless as arguing whether Lars Ulrich is a capable drummer.
eh ?? Just Mustaine's there, only he writes the songs and plays guitar, and they get an actual vocalist.

I could dig Max's vocals on Chaos AD with that proto-Machine Head type bullshit, but Roots is the epitome of awful in Max's vocals. Early Soulfly too, but he makes up for it in more recent years

Disagree. I think his vocals get better with time. I wouldn't know about anything current or recent, but from the early Sepultura days to the mid 90's, they sound more massive as the albums go. I think they sound better in some Soulfly albums than on some Sepultura albums, that's due to maturation but also the available technology. He's good but also quite flat on early Sepultura albums, his vox got a boost especially starting Chaos A.D. they start sounding massive by then.
Disagree. I think his vocals get better with time. I wouldn't know about anything current or recent, but from the early Sepultura days to the mid 90's, they sound more massive as the albums go. I think they sound better in some Soulfly albums than on some Sepultura albums, that's due to maturation but also the available technology. He's good but also quite flat on early Sepultura albums, his vox got a boost especially starting Chaos A.D. they start sounding massive by then.

Max's evolution is an interesting one. I dont know about early Soulfly, but later Max is killer. I actually like his vocals the most in Killer Be Killed too, even compared to Greg from Dillinger Escape Plan! (Who was also in the band with Max)
Andreas just doesnt know how to write a good riff I think and thats pretty apparent without Max in Sepultura.
Nah bro, that's just straight up false. You do realise that Andreas wrote a huge chunk of riffs on the four Seps albums he played on pre-Roots?

You only have to listen to Morbid Visions & Schizophrenia back to back to notice just how much his presence tightened the band up.

Mass Hypnosis, Arise & Dead Embryonic Cells are some Kisser-penned tracks, to name a few.
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Nah bro, that's just straight up false. You do realise that Andreas wrote a huge chunk of riffs on the four Seps albums he played on pre-Roots?

You only have to listen to Morbid Visions & Schizophrenia back to back to notice just how much his presence tightened the band up.

Mass Hypnosis, Arise & Dead Embryonic Cells are some Kisser-penned tracks, to name a few.

Oh, okay. Thats my error. I only thought he was more or like a lead/solo writer.
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Kisser just became lazy as hell and never recovered. He was a great guitar player on the 80's and early 90's. That Barcelona gig they recorded leave no doubts about it.

Derrick Green is a fucking abomination as vocalist. One of the worst I've heard in death/thrash.
Kisser just became lazy as hell and never recovered. He was a great guitar player on the 80's and early 90's. That Barcelona gig they recorded leave no doubts about it.
I very much recommend you check out Kisser's solo album Hubris I & II. He didn't become a lazy guitarist. Very hard to find on youtube though for some reason.