Originally posted by Klaha
I like Dani....
I'd have to say King Diamond is pretty bad.
King Diamond is fun if I'm in the mood for it.
Originally posted by Klaha
I like Dani....
I'd have to say King Diamond is pretty bad.
Originally posted by Melancholia
from famous ones definitely Mr.Dani filth
and also King Diamond gets on my nerved when he does these high-pitched vocals
ooooh,and the singer of Suffocation (hehe brutalizer will execute me now)
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Most will probably hate me for this - but Ozzy totally annoys me. I just can't listen to him.
Originally posted by RogueSpirit
Anyway, all time worsts include:
That clean singer in Tales from the 1000 Lakes by Amorphis (wins the award for most nasal voice EVER)
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Besides there is something about vocal players that make a side project and put their name and try to pass as solo artist, a vocalist is important but in none of the cases is relevant to the music, if they do nothing but sit on their lazy ass and write bad lyrics why should the band have their names? to catch the fame of him? its metal, not pop.
The newest Pantera vocalist.