Wort releases of 2004

I don't like DEP either. They come across as too goofy. And their music, though chaotic and fast, lacks aggression and heaviness. It almost seems like they are a joke band. In Flames' Reroute to Remain is worse than the new DEP, though.
Cryptkeeper said:
Everything. I can't stand DEP. Boring overrated shit.

Ain't that the truth.


Megadave - System
Dragonforce - Sonic Firestorm
Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Ovaries part VIIIIIRVSDFGXXZFDST

Any flower metal that came out this year, basically
Life Sucks said:
I don't like DEP either. They come across as too goofy. And their music, though chaotic and fast, lacks aggression and heaviness.
Miss Machine is still growing on me but it's nowhere near the years worst album, and CI is brilliant. I guess we must be hearing agression and heaviness differently because IMO they have both to spare.
The intensity and explosive energy they manage to turn in to really awesome songs might be part of it.

Though until I can work out what 'a step in IMO' means that's all you're getting.
The new In Flames, beyond a shadow of a doubt. That was a complete fucking abortion, and made Reroute To Remain sound like a fucken Virgin Steele album.

I've also heard bad things about the new Haunted, but haven't heard it yet. I suppose I should just so I can talk shit with more effectiveness. :D
The Haunted were never bad/ridiculous enough to be funny like In Flames or St. Anger (PYRUS, I JUST SAW YOU GAVE ST ANGER MORE THAN 2% ON METAL-ARCHIVES, WHAT IN THE NAME OF HOLY FROG?!?!?! :ill: ), they're just kind of mediocre and really, really redundant, doing the same thing over and over again. So I suggest you don't hear it; bad-bad albums aren't worth it, only funny-bad albums.
Hahahah, the St. Anger thing–I honestly can't nail down my opinion on that album. One day it's WORST RELEASE EVER, and then another I put on "Sweet Amber" and go "WTF?! That riff fucken rules!" It's the most annoying album of all time simply because the bad is so bad, but at so many points there's these parts that are really good. I get the sense that Metallica is perfectly capable of releasing something worthwhile, but they don't remember how. They're too senile to tell the difference between good ideas and bad. Lemmy needs to slap them.

I keep meaning to revise that review (it was written over a year ago, and was sort of a knee-jerk to the WORST ALBUM EVER reaction, which I don't agree with), but I'm too fucken lazy.

Anyway, on topic, the only reason I wanna hear the Haunted album is because a bunch of my friends keep praising them, so I need some more ammunition against them.
Cryptkeeper said:
The Dillilger Escape Plan - Miss Machine

Agreed, its just not a good album, and comes across as very boring and bland. I liked it at first, but on repeated listens its evidently not a patch on any of their previous material.
Ironbird666 said:
If you like mallcore you'll love rEVOLVEr. . .

Shit man, that's just about right. Only the first track manages to be average, the rest is fucking abysmal. No surprise anyway, the band was never good in the first place.