Would anyone be interested in mixing this, Power Violence


Mar 27, 2010
Columbus, OH
Just recorded this for fun, seeing if anyone would be interested in mixing/mastering this for fun. Its actually a few songs all together. This is a rough mix and master. So, if people are interested in doing it I'll post stems. Also, any input on it so far would be amazing as well!



EDIT Here are the stems to the song. The Tempo is 120 BPM then 110 BPM @ measure 42. This is the first time I've ever posted stems so if there is anything weird just let me know. Thanks!
Also I'll Be updating it with my mix and master. So I would love to hear your critiques!

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12652849/POWER VIOLENCE 2.zip
why must everything be midi and DI tracks..
"audio engineers" have no balls these days, playing it safe with doing midi and recording dry tracks.

picking presets and samples and doing a bit of eq is not mixing!
if you cats want real practice, do a mix with recorded guitars bass drums ect and make it sound like a golden hit.
this is not me being an ass hole, this is to try to motivate all of you to challenge yourself and get creative!
im gunna post a real mix in the next couple days. all recorded, no samples - real mixing. no presets or any bullshit.
why must everything be midi and DI tracks..
"audio engineers" have no balls these days, playing it safe with doing midi and recording dry tracks.

picking presets and samples and doing a bit of eq is not mixing!
if you cats want real practice, do a mix with recorded guitars bass drums ect and make it sound like a golden hit.
this is not me being an ass hole, this is to try to motivate all of you to challenge yourself and get creative!
im gunna post a real mix in the next couple days. all recorded, no samples - real mixing. no presets or any bullshit.

It's not that we're playing it safe, in a lot of these practice mixes, it's so that each guy can get the sound he wants. You know how boring it is to post a song of yours, and hearing mixes that all sound really similar? It's quite boring. That's why a lot of dudes post up DI's and MIDI, so each mixer can go through and make his own sounds, show off how he would do it were he the engineer.

And explain to me, what exactly is the increased ease between being given the guitar and drum sounds and mixing them, and having to create those sounds yourself, then mix it? If anything, it takes more work and creativity to do that, as I have to go through, find the right amp sim, the right impulse, the proper samples, and then I'm ready to go, and I'm sure a lot of dudes use proper amps and cabs to reamp instead of sims. It took me far less work to get a mix up and running when I was just given the guitar and drum sounds.

I don't know what you mean by presets, being totally honest, I've stopped using presets at all, outside of the Steven Slate presets, and even then things tend to be sample replaced and processed with things such as tape sims and compressors. I know some dudes use presets a lot, but they would do the same thing even if they were given real amp and drum recordings.

I understand where you're coming from here, it can get old to mix DI and MIDI tracks, and I love processing real drums, but in cases of this, it allows each guy to easily get their own drum sound. I know if I were to do a proper recordings, it'd be real amps and drums (probably some sampling there). :cool:
I feel as though that reply was made since I asked the question what had he done to his guitars and bass. I would never ask for presets or anything like that. It was just purely out of curiosity, I use this site as a way to learn and improve. I don't believe in purely using presets, even if I did have presets of others from this forum I know most of my mixes wouldn't even come close to theirs.
For me, using di's and midi is much more of a convenience for myself. First, I do not have the luxury to always record live. For example, this was written at around 1am. Also, you could say I don't have the greatest guitar rigs for recording heavy music. That's where things such as amp sims become very advantageous for me.
I also completely understand your opinion on the matter. But I feel doing things either way are necessary to practice. If you guys ever want to practice mix emo music that was recorded live I can post those for you.
It's not more work to use amp sims and drum samples. Are you kidding? Those samples are all already processed. And same goes to the guitar amp simulators.

You don't think there is already compression and EQ on all your samples and amp simulators?

I don't buy it.

And f you have the right technique, you can make a mix with all miked tracks sound totally different. You haven't seen that here yet cause no one has been creative enough to do so.

Hint: there's more to a mix down than dynamics and equalization. ;)
Sounds awesome! Any info on the guitars and bass? All I used for the vocals was a blue baby bottle.
Just your typical TSE x50 and s-preshigh, no boost, with puigchild 660 at the end of the LEFT guitar chain to make it a little hotter (i'm constantly experimenting) sent to a guitar bus with waves SSL CHANNEL E and PRO fabfilter Q for removing of harsh frequencies. Bass is 2 tracks, 1 sub track, LPF at 350hz with waves maxxbass aggressive preset, and one track w tse X50 and spreshigh (I don't normally do this, put an amp sim on bass) w a modest HPF hence I already have bass coming from the SUB track (I tried the ampsim it on this one for whathehell, I turned down the gain down). Now that I re-listen to the my mix, I feel the vocals are a tad bit loud, Automating is a bitch lol.