Would anyone be interested in raws for this Meshuggah Cover?


Elite Studios
Feb 7, 2014

All guitar was made by a Carvin DC800 on stock pickups (planning on changing out with Blackwaters soon) through a DI box

Bass is an Aria Pro II

Drums is superior drummer so I got the MIDI mapped out painfully by hand

Just wondering if you guys would like the raws for a mixing practice of some sort
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Yeah i wouldn't mind a go. Mayeb you can bounce the drums so we dont have to remap them.
RAW's please!!!!! After my Demiurge Cover this will be a nice challenge for my to get the sound right. :Spin:

Please upload the Stems.........
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Yeah i wouldn't mind a go. Mayeb you can bounce the drums so we dont have to remap them.

I'll do that. How do you want me to split it up? Right now in my DAW I have it

Toms | Kick | Snare | Overheads | Ambient

Will that work?

I'll also upload the midi as well.
Yeah upload both. I usually mix drums like this from the VSTi

Kick, Snare, Toms, HiHat, Ride, Crash+Splash, Overheads, Room.

I guess Crash/Splash can be lumped with the overheads though bt this is the default with Slate Drums that i tend to stick with.
Alright here is the mega link because I like mega and I hate when I find old dropbox links that don't exist anymore


I'm currently uploading to dropbox just in case no one else likes it.

Also the bass is just a DI. I don't have Zombass or anything like that but I think they're decent bass DI's. I split up the drums following my configuration seen above just to save space plus it covers everything realistically.

Dropbox : https://www.dropbox.com/s/uta9ktk7pqowyyb/Lethargica Stems.zip

Niiiiice tone for the rhythm. The only problem with the mix is the lead part at the end. In the original, it's barely noticeable but sounds awesome. Don't know what they used but it sounds like a guitar synth or something like that.
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Here goes my try.


Not my proudest mix to date, but it got some things that I did like. I got pretty satisfied with my snare sound. The guitar tone, although not great, is pretty decent.

Any questions you have just ask, I'll be happy to respond!
Here is mine


I used the Nick Crow 7170 on the Rythms and the Lecto on the leads. Bass has BassGrinder on it. The drums are SSD4 (even after nagging for mixdowns :D)...i decided since it already had a Superior map that I would give it a go.

I've no idea how the original goes so didn't try to emulate it or anything. I just did my own thing.
Here goes my try.


Not my proudest mix to date, but it got some things that I did like. I got pretty satisfied with my snare sound. The guitar tone, although not great, is pretty decent.

Any questions you have just ask, I'll be happy to respond!

I like your rhythm tone because it has an airy feeling to it. Feels like it's levitating in the mix if that makes sense. Probably where it goes wrong comes down to my playing and my super super super super super hot active pickups which I apologize for.