Would anyone happen to have an impulse like this... ?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway!

Would anyone happen to have an impulse of a Rectifier poweramp (triple or dual preferably) thru a Rectifier cabinet mic'ed with an on axis (preferably) SM 57?

I'm wanting to do a comparison clip between impulses and the POD's cab sims and I think it would more of a fair comparison if I could compare an impulse with a similar signal chain to the one my POD is modeling right now.

Recabinet includes a Rectifier cabinet impulse, sampled with both 6L6 and EL34 power tubes, with 4 positions of the SM57 at 3 depths. The closest depth with all 4 positions and both power tube types is included in the free demo. :)
Oh, thank you! I'm gonna give Recabinet a check, then! :)

Would you mind me asking what was the poweramp used in Recabinet?
Unfortunately in my search so far all impulses have failed quite dismally compared to mic'ing a cab. I'm pushing strongly to adopt Nebula 3 and see whether its technology is adequate in reproducing the finer points of power amp/cab tone.

Yeah, do it. You've been talking about Nebula3 for about a year now. Go get it! ;)
Thank you Kazrog! Checked them out and I LOVED the ones in the demo... thinking on getting myself the full version as soon as I gather some cash! :)

Thanks Moonlapse, will give them a check.