Triple Rectifier Audio Samples

Nope, I was planning on buying one, but got a similarly spec'ed Engl instead. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression, I don't own one, but I've done a shit-ton of homework and comparing to formulate my opinions, so I'd like to think they're valid! :)
Okok, I get it now.
Congrat on your new purshase, hope it'll be good for your needs!

Did you have (or anybody else) heard samples comparing cabs on clean channel?
I'm really curious about this.
Question for MACHINATED:
I know you use or own marshall cabs, what marshall cab/speaker was used on your song previously posted in this thread?
I just had a quick listen (on myspace...except for opeth) to the bands you mentioned that uses the oversized cab.
I gotta say that's a tone I like quite a bit, but on the audio clip posted in the other thread with the krank amp I prefer the traditionna seems like the standard sucks out the mids but it doesn't sound like that on the band's songs you talked about...
All those little money lol
I feel like I'd need to habe both for a couple of months with a couple of band coming in and then decide which one suits my need the best.
But then I'd end up keeping both I'm pretty sure.
Just like I did with my 2 svt810, one from 1978, one from 2005 or so...I like both for different styles.
Yeah dude, just get both if you can afford it, and sell off the one you like less, or keep both if each has its own purpose!
Haha, that is so fucking easy to get crazy with all those things, but that's why we like it so much I guess.

If you wanna try, take both krank through mesa cabs samples and play them at the same time in your sequencer, it makes the traditional a little bit less agressive and gives the oversized some mids that aren't there otherwise. It's a good balance, well I can imagine it would be if the samples were not allready doubled or quadrupled.
I just compared the krank/mesa cab samples to the real song and actually the traditional cab sound more like the tone I hear on nevermore's album...which is suposed to be an oversized right?
Yep, the orange channel on a 3channel Recto is more like the red on a 2channel, the red channel on the 3chan is a unique channel.

The 3channel Recto does have one channel more than the 2chan, so one of them must be different, right? :)

This is what the Recto manual has to say:

CHANNEL 3 is optimized for the legendary MODERN mode with a range of PRESENCE far exceeding that of CHANNEL 2. This channels’ PRESENCE picks up where CHANNEL 2 leaves off and allows top end harmonics that are downright dangerous. The trade off here is that for VINTAGE and RAW the PRESENCE is hyperactive and must be dialed with care to achieve the more warm and round sounds. You can think of it like this...a Presence setting equivalent to CHANNEL 2’s PRESENCE Control set to 5:30 (maximum), is found in CHANNEL 3 at approximately 10:00 on CHANNEL 3’s PRESENCE Control. This means that the whole range is compressed for these more vocal sounds and the resolution for brighter sounds is expanded.

That gives a bit of an explanation for the red/vintage as well.

Hope this helps!

Ok, thanx to TomiR the 3chRecto is starting to sound alot better now. Precense at 08.00 seems to work very good with a SM57. I did a test clip with a TLM193 (the mic used for Meshuggah's Destroy Erease Improve and Chaosphere). Since it's a little darker then a 57 I put the precense at 10.00 o clock.

Ibanez 8-string (RG2228) -> 3ChTripleRecto. Drums are Superior 2.0. I even layed som vox one the "chorus" just for fun.

I really like the Djent (sound that comes when plam muting) on the Ibanez 8-string.

Tell me what you think :)
Definitely get a very DEI feel especially on the palm mutes. This a dual recto? what kind of settings? Mesa cab?

Nope, 3Channel Triple Rectifier. The cab was a Marshall with GT75. The mic is actually placed dead center on-axis one inch from grill. I'll also try moving the mic an inch out from the center later. I used a TC Electronic boost box.

Settings was (clockwise/o clock)
gain 11
Treble 11.30
Master 09
bass 11
precense 10
mid 10

Channel3, RED, Modern, Bold, Diode.
What is kinda cool though is that I have a 6505, Engl Savage and the 3chTripleRecto and the Mesa was my least favourite of them all. I used it rarely cause it would sound fissy and muddy all the time, but thanx to guyes like TomiR and Machinated on this forum I finally got an extended understanding of how this amp is designed enabeling me to dial it properly. It's probably my favourite amp right now. Kinda shows the true value of this forum.
What is kinda cool though is that I have a 6505, Engl Savage and the 3chTripleRecto and the Mesa was my least favourite of them all. I used it rarely cause it would sound fissy and muddy all the time, but thanx to guyes like TomiR and Machinated on this forum I finally got an extended understanding of how this amp is designed enabeling me to dial it properly. It's probably my favourite amp right now. Kinda shows the true value of this forum.

I am glad I was able to help :)

The 3channel Recto is in my opinion seriously underrated and misunderstood. It's just one of those amps you just gotta learn how to tweak.

The Triple is without a doubt my favourite amp. I do have an ENGL Invader 100 and I owned a 6505, but I still prefer the Triple.

I love the guitar tone on your clip! It's near to perfection! I actually heard the clip at (My nick is Shaman at Great job mate!
Glad I could help! I was reamping yesterday, and it really hit home to me how you can't have the bass higher than about 10 o clock. I'm not sure how to descrive it, but it sounds like it distorts the bass more rather than boosting it. At 10 o clock you still have a ton of bass and you get a really nice clarity. I remember reading on here to keep the bass low, and its really good advice. Other than that with the EQ I don't tend to stray too far from 12 o clock (maybe 1 "clock" increment of difference).
Glad I could help! I was reamping yesterday, and it really hit home to me how you can't have the bass higher than about 10 o clock. I'm not sure how to descrive it, but it sounds like it distorts the bass more rather than boosting it. At 10 o clock you still have a ton of bass and you get a really nice clarity. I remember reading on here to keep the bass low, and its really good advice. Other than that with the EQ I don't tend to stray too far from 12 o clock (maybe 1 "clock" increment of difference).

Keeping bass at 10.00. Gotta try that....what do you mean "distorts the bass"?

Oh, Does anyone know what's up with Andy setting the treble and sometimes bass (recto's) too at 11.30? DHIADW had Treble at 11.30, the Nevermore Krank pic had Treble at 11.30 and The Machine Head 5150 live rig picture floating around also had the treble at 11.30. Is there some kind of "fizzy active" eq that is engaged at 12.00 on most amps that sound bad or something?

Btw, I met Fredik Thordendal yesterday. He ROCKS! He told me how they placed mics when micing cabs in the studio plus how they dialed their boost-boxes, so i'll def be back in the studio to experiment some more soon. This stuff is SO much fun!
Hey machinated, would you mind telling me which marshall cab you use with the mesa triple rectifier?
Yesterday I tried a dual rec through a marshall 1960TV which has greenback in it and to me it sounded better than the mesa had better mids in my opinion.