Triple Rectifier Audio Samples

Its a 3 channel triple rectifier, it would have also been on the bold setting instead of spongy. I actually love rectifiers....
Thanks for the info, I was asking cause I'll be getting a dual rectifier 3ch version this weekend :) and I really like that tone.
I think it will be a great addition to the studio and clients with crapy amps will love it hehe.
I won't have a cab for the moment, I'll buy one in a month or two and I was thinking about what should I buy that would sound great with other head as well.
Some guy on another thread suggested the os mesa cab with vintage 30 in it wish I think would be a logical choice to use with the mesa but what do you think about it?

Also, latter on I'll be upgrading some of my guitar's pickups, I never had a real good guitar amp so I didn't matter that much, but now I know I'll want something better.
I got a strat copy, which plays wonderfully, I'm thinking about some fender pickup in it to have a good clean and Jimmy hendrix kindda tone.
I also got an ibanez js 100 (joe satriani), I'd like to put the js 1000 electronic in it to get a better blues, rock tone.
And I got an esp f-50 that I'd like to put something real heavy in it, I'll keep that one for metal and punk stuff, I thought about active emg's but I don't have any experiance with them.
Any suggestions?

Go for a mesa cab if you can afford it, they are brilliant. I actually really like my Marshall cabs and I don't have much trouble at all getting a good tone with them. For pickups I use an EMG85 in the bridge, and I have converted SO many other people onto this once they have been in the studio with me. Blows everything else away.

Good luck with the amp dude you will love it! Make sure you use a tubescreamer though.............
Yeah I heard about the tube sreamer, I might get one as well.
As for emg's, what do you think about the 81+85 combo?
I listened to the audio samples on emg's site and both sounds good on the bridge...
85 on the bridge. Never used one anywhere else, but heard good things about both in the neck position. I personally love the 85 that much that I'd probably put it in both places.

And yes, DEFINITELY get a tubescreamer to use with the rectifier, its like a different (and far worse) amp without one.
Thanks for the help. I appreciate.
From the audio samples on emg's site it seems to me that the 81 are tighter than the 85, did you ever try 81's?
To get back to cabinets, you're saying that you use a marshall cab but does it make the rectifier sound better or worse than on a mesa cab?
Just different I guess but in which way?
Is a mesa cab tighter, brighter, looser, muddier?

Sorry for all those questions, I just can't wait to try that stuff out!!!
In the meantime, I'll use the search function ;)
It was about a year ago when I did it, maybe have a search on here, I normally post stuff like that....As a starting point go with bass, mids and treble at 12 o clock and tweak from there, I think it was channel 2 (orange) and with a tube screamer....

I should have some more triple recto clips up soon too (maybe with 6505, an ENGL savage and a krank revolution too).

Orange channel, huh?

Is it just me or does Tubescreamer + Rectifier/Red Channel/Modern Mode + Vintage30 speakers not sound so good/too fizzy?
Modern Mode/Red kinda sounds good untill you put a Tubescreamer infront in my experience.
If I want to run a Tubescreamer witht the Modern/Red channel I prefer a either Marshall GT75 or ENGL Vintage60 cab. Some likes Orange cabs too for this reason.

Anyone else here with the same inpression or do I just need to spend some more time with that TS/Red/Modern/V30 combination?
Orange channel, huh?

Is it just me or does Tubescreamer + Rectifier/Red Channel/Modern Mode + Vintage30 speakers not sound so good/too fizzy?
Modern Mode/Red kinda sounds good untill you put a Tubescreamer infront in my experience.
If I want to run a Tubescreamer witht the Modern/Red channel I prefer a either Marshall GT75 or ENGL Vintage60 cab. Some likes Orange cabs too for this reason.

Anyone else here with the same inpression or do I just need to spend some more time with that TS/Red/Modern/V30 combination?

Well, the red channel/modern/TS is capable of great tones, just remeber to use low presence settings (we are talking about a 3chan right?) since the presence control on the red channel is VERY aggressive.

If I remember correctly, having the presence at 9o'clock on the red channel is like turning the presence to max on the orange channel. That might be one of the reasons you don't like it?

The Orange channel on a 3chan is more like the red channel on a 2channel Recto, so if you want to use the Sneap Recto settings(presence at 12:30), don't use them on the red channel since it is a lot more brighter, and cranking the presence+the mid bumb from a TS+V30's will most likely sound awfull!

I personally love the Sneap settings on the red channel but with the presence at 8-9o'clock.

So try using low presence settings are usually the key for getting great tones from the red channel. The aggressive presence control often confuses a lot of people!

Hope this helps :kickass:
It would totally rule if you guys upload some samples, but not dual/quad tracked. Single track of it, without anything in the background. Since youre posting them already processed/multi-tracked and from my own experience it always(for me at least) sounds totally diffrent(better) when multi-tracked compared to single track.
Any chance to post some single track of this tube beast? It would give me(and maybe not only me) some insight on how to go with single track sound.
Well, the red channel/modern/TS is capable of great tones, just remeber to use low presence settings (we are talking about a 3chan right?) since the presence control on the red channel is VERY aggressive.

If I remember correctly, having the presence at 9o'clock on the red channel is like turning the presence to max on the orange channel. That might be one of the reasons you don't like it?

The Orange channel on a 3chan is more like the red channel on a 2channel Recto, so if you want to use the Sneap Recto settings(presence at 12:30), don't use them on the red channel since it is a lot more brighter, and cranking the presence+the mid bumb from a TS+V30's will most likely sound awfull!

I personally love the Sneap settings on the red channel but with the presence at 8-9o'clock.

So try using low presence settings are usually the key for getting great tones from the red channel. The aggressive presence control often confuses a lot of people!

Hope this helps :kickass:

Ok, this has got to be the most interesting post i've read in a long time..

TomiR, if I could ask you for a minutte of your time to answer some of my questions id be eternally greatfull, cause the aggressive presence control definetively have got me confused allready.
I can get killer tones out of my 6505 but when I see my triple 3ch I just scream like a girls and run away. I've gone through hell with that amp. I still have it though.

I thoght the difference between the 2ch and 3ch was a suble sonic difference only a few fanboys would care to discuss, shows how dumb I am.

Ok, let me get this straight. The way I see it the following "truths" can be confirmed:

-3ch orange channel = 2ch red channel (kinda?)?
-3ch red channel is something new wierd thing the Mesa guyes came up with
-3ch red channel precense at 08.00 o clock = 2ch red channel precense at 12.00 o clock

Also, where do 3ch red channel Vintage mode fit in here? It has the agressive precense but no modern mode, right? And is the modern voicing in the poweramp section in a 3ch the same as in a 2ch?

I'm asking a lot of stuff here but this would really help me to understand that amp.

Ok, this has got to be the most interesting post i've read in a long time..

TomiR, if I could ask you for a minutte of your time to answer some of my questions id be eternally greatfull, cause the aggressive presence control definetively have got me confused allready.
I can get killer tones out of my 6505 but when I see my triple 3ch I just scream like a girls and run away. I've gone through hell with that amp. I still have it though.

I thoght the difference between the 2ch and 3ch was a suble sonic difference only a few fanboys would care to discuss, shows how dumb I am.

Ok, let me get this straight. The way I see it the following "truths" can be confirmed:

-3ch orange channel = 2ch red channel (kinda?)?
-3ch red channel is something new wierd thing the Mesa guyes came up with
-3ch red channel precense at 08.00 o clock = 2ch red channel precense at 12.00 o clock

Also, where do 3ch red channel Vintage mode fit in here? It has the agressive precense but no modern mode, right? And is the modern voicing in the poweramp section in a 3ch the same as in a 2ch?

I'm asking a lot of stuff here but this would really help me to understand that amp.

Yep, the orange channel on a 3channel Recto is more like the red on a 2channel, the red channel on the 3chan is a unique channel.

The 3channel Recto does have one channel more than the 2chan, so one of them must be different, right? :)

This is what the Recto manual has to say:

CHANNEL 3 is optimized for the legendary MODERN mode with a range of PRESENCE far exceeding that of CHANNEL 2. This channels’ PRESENCE picks up where CHANNEL 2 leaves off and allows top end harmonics that are downright dangerous. The trade off here is that for VINTAGE and RAW the PRESENCE is hyperactive and must be dialed with care to achieve the more warm and round sounds. You can think of it like this...a Presence setting equivalent to CHANNEL 2’s PRESENCE Control set to 5:30 (maximum), is found in CHANNEL 3 at approximately 10:00 on CHANNEL 3’s PRESENCE Control. This means that the whole range is compressed for these more vocal sounds and the resolution for brighter sounds is expanded.

That gives a bit of an explanation for the red/vintage as well.

Hope this helps!
Holy shit, so it actually explains how potent the presence control is in the manual? In that case, I have no sympathy for those who couldn't figure it out, because they didn't RTFM! :mad:
Yep, the orange channel on a 3channel Recto is more like the red on a 2channel, the red channel on the 3chan is a unique channel.

The 3channel Recto does have one channel more than the 2chan, so one of them must be different, right? :)

This is what the Recto manual has to say:

CHANNEL 3 is optimized for the legendary MODERN mode with a range of PRESENCE far exceeding that of CHANNEL 2. This channels’ PRESENCE picks up where CHANNEL 2 leaves off and allows top end harmonics that are downright dangerous. The trade off here is that for VINTAGE and RAW the PRESENCE is hyperactive and must be dialed with care to achieve the more warm and round sounds. You can think of it like this...a Presence setting equivalent to CHANNEL 2’s PRESENCE Control set to 5:30 (maximum), is found in CHANNEL 3 at approximately 10:00 on CHANNEL 3’s PRESENCE Control. This means that the whole range is compressed for these more vocal sounds and the resolution for brighter sounds is expanded.

That gives a bit of an explanation for the red/vintage as well.

Hope this helps!

Thanx man, a manual alone does not allways do the trick. Not going past 0900 o clock on the presence for red/modern was a very good tip from you. Also knowing about the Red channel precense change from 2ch to 3ch is extremely usefull too.

Wish it was told like that in the manual, isen't that right Metaltastic? hehe..
Allright, good tips here, now I'll be able to try them cause I GOT MY DUAL REC TODAY!!!! hehe
I trade it for an amp I didn't use, it was a svt-vr and I got a vintage svt so the vr was collecting dust (I got that one for a project that didn't work so...) now I got aa mesa hehe.

Just a quick question, everything seem to work and sound good, but I'd like to make sure everthing's cool, the 2 tube rectifier don't glow, well not much, is it normal?
The head has JJs E34L power tubes in it, the bias select is on el34 mode, ok, and the red light to the right of the switch is lighten up, does that red light means it's on el34 mode or does it mean it is not properly biased?
Also, should I let the el34 in it or switch back to original tubes?

Like I said earlier, or in another thread...don't remember, I'll need a good cab for this head that I might use with other heads later on, so any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thanks guys.
lol, it's allright, thanks Jeff, I'll look at this before I get one ;)

so anybody here with a dual rectifier 3ch can answer my little questions? I did RTFM but couldn't find the answer.

The red light indicates that the bias is set to EL34's, so no problem there.

The Rectifier tubes don't usually glow very brightly, so I wouldn't worry about it. You can always check it out though! If the switch on the back of the amp is set to silicon diodes, switch it to tubes and see how it sounds.

Have fun with your new amp!