Triple Rectifier Audio Samples

The red light indicates that the bias is set to EL34's, so no problem there.

The Rectifier tubes don't usually glow very brightly, so I wouldn't worry about it. You can always check it out though! If the switch on the back of the amp is set to silicon diodes, switch it to tubes and see how it sounds.

Have fun with your new amp!

Thanks a lot Tom, I appreciate. Effectively, on tube mode everything's perfect so nothing to worry about here!!
Thanks again!
Allright guys, I found what seems like a good deal on cabs, I could get a marshall 1960TV 4x12 (greenbacks) and a mesa oversised 4x12 cab (v30s) for 1600$, 850$ each. The thing is those cabs are only 6 months old, they stayed at this guy's home all the time, here they are worth 2500$ new so I'm saving 900$ for both or 450$ per cab, they're like new!

I gotta say it's really tempting to buy both but if I gotta choose a cab that will sound good and be versatille enough to sound good with other head and other style of music, what would you go with?

PS: I play a dual rectifier, it is used for studio recording.

Thanks a lot
Erm, 'good deal' isn't exactly what either of those scream at me.

But if I had to pick one, I'd go Mesa. (That price is just quite a bit too high.)

Nah it's got some road wear but it's still in good shape overall. $850 for a mint one is still pretty good, saves you a few hundred bucks.
okok, yeah I think it's a good price if it's like new, I mean, what's the difference between buying a cab that sat in the store with all kind of stupid kids plugging it wrongly or buying a cab that sat in a guy's basement for six months...
Unless it's still in it's box at the store I think there is no advantage of getting it new.

Any other suggestions (bogner, orange...) are welcome as well.
Just to let you know the guy got back to me and told me the mesa cab was worth 1600$ with taxes and the 1960TV 1350$ with taxes at italmelodie. I was thinking BS so I called at that store and the mesa sells for 950$ plus taxes and the 1960TV 1020$ plus taxes.
So even though I'd still save, I don't think I'll buy those from this liar...

Anyway, what would you suggest between the stiletto and rectifier 4x12 for versatility?

It's for my studio, I don't rec metal only band...just to let you know.
Both are super-versatile, it just really comes down to the type of tone you want dude. As I posted in response to you in another thread:

Mesa cabs rule, I'm about to get a Traditional/Stilleto cab (rather than the Rectifier/Oversized cab) cuz while I really like the sound of the OS cab, to me it's very identifiable and not the sound I want (a bit too scooped in the mids and "thundery" in the lows). For reference, though, one of my favorite tones of all time is Opeth's "Ghost Reveries," so that's the sound I want - if you're into a tone like, say, Nevermore's "This Godless Endeavor," Behemoth's "The Apostasy," Killswitch stuff, etc., than the Recto/OS cab can't be beat.
I know I'm not after a super mid scooped tone, I like so many different style though that I think I just don't know what I want, I'll have a listen at those band and see what tone I like the best. Do those albums sound kindda close to the actuall cabs they used or are they super processed?
For example I really like the Darkest hour first albums guitar tone, but I also like Bullet for my valentine kindda tone.
I got the album deliverance by Opeth and I gotta say the clean sounds really good.

Any other opinions will be appreciated.
Well I know Andy barely does anything to his guitars in terms of changing the sound, so TGE and End of Heartache (assuming he used the Recto cab on the latter, I'm not certain, but it sure sounds like it) are definitely an accurate portrayal of a Recto cab, I'd say. And I'm not as certain as to whether any processing was done on "The Apostasy," but I know it was a Recto cab, and it certainly sounds like one. Also, check out this thread I started, where there's a clip posted comparing the two; I MUCH prefer the Traditional. Plus, you gotta bear in mind that the traditional recto cab is like pretty much every other 4x12 w/ rear-mounted V30s out there (Laney, Marshall, old cloth-grill Engls, Randall, etc.), and the Recto is unique it its size, and thus has it's own identifiable sound (which happens to be really good, but I generally think is not the sound I'm after).
Holy shit, I just listened to the comparision files and I think I like the traditionnal better too for it's mids, I can always scoop them out later but it's harder to get them back if they never existed...
But I like the standard rectifier better for it's lack of fizz, how do you deal with that on a traditional?
Yeah, that was my feeling as well :)

And as for the fizz, I'm confident that amp settings and mic positioning should be enough - it has been for anyone who's tracked with a Bogner, Marshall, Laney, Randall, etc. 4x12 ;)
Yeah, that was my feeling as well :)

And as for the fizz, I'm confident that amp settings and mic positioning should be enough - it has been for anyone who's tracked with a Bogner, Marshall, Laney, Randall, etc. 4x12 ;)

Do you feel like there would be an advantage at looking at those bogner, marshall...etc instead of the traditionnal mesa? (if we stay in the same price range)
It sounds freaking heavey!
Weight-wise, ~100 lbs. is par for the course for a good 4x12, that's why I got a Mesa 2x12 for my live cab! (for $128 USD used, I might add :D). But my vote would still be for the Mesa Traditional 4x12, cuz I've generally heard mixed things about Marshalls, even the V30 equipped ones (not saying you can't get good tones out of 'em, but I think the Mesa is better), and I had a Bogner 2x12 that was horribly fizzy, and I think it might have to do with the sound deadening they put on the inside back cover of all their cabs (Mesa doesn't), so I'm now inherently distrustful of the company (though I haven't played a Bogner 4x12, maybe they're WORLDS better than the 2x12). In short, you can't go wrong with Mesa!

Actually, I just picked up an old Engl 4x12 that matches the specs of the Traditional; probably won't be any better (hopefully as good, though!), but the price was great, and I've always had a serious love for the company. Check it!