would somebody reamp for me?


Jan 31, 2008
i reamped thru mesa dr and 5150 with impulses however without reamp box (dont have one) and guitars sound shitty , flabby and without definition :/

would somebdy care to reamp some tracks for me ?:) 6 song , 4 tracks of guitars

it`s my friends band demo , i``m just mixing it for them for fun , no charge :) so i`ll aks how much are the willing to pay for reamping.
is it important ? RR and R are same tracks but differets takes , so it only have to be R and L reamed on sae amp/setting (same with RR and LL). Am i right?
What is needed to let someone else reamp your guitar playing? Is it just to record a dry signal directly from the guitar into the soundboard (line in)?

I have a Framus Cobra but the sound sucks when I record it. Maybe I have a bad cab and bad mics. :/
Would someone reamp for free?
2 motyl

can you post on other host, sendspace.com (not .pl), for exemple?