would you carry around a handbag?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
If it were socially acceptable for men to carry handbags, would you?

In my trouser pockets, I've got:

bunch of keys
office security pass
loose change
eye drops (if I'm wearing contacts)

what in holy hell?
Seinfeld said:
Jerry: Your back hurts because of your wallet. It's huge.
George Costanza: This isn't just my wallet. It's an organizer, a memory and an old friend.
Jerry: Well, your friend is morbidly obese.
George Costanza: Well, at least I don't carry a purse.
Jerry: It's not a purse, it's European.

Generally I only have a wallet and keys on me so I'd have no need of a purse.
how can anyone not have a cellphone in this day and age?

and no, I will NEVER clip my cellphone to my belt and look like a UNIX techy / car salesman
Wallet and Keys , thats it. Fuck phones, if I want people to get a hold of me they can call me at home. But I turn off my ringer at home so that solves that one. When Im out doing something I dont wanna be bothered and I hate it when people call you at home when your in the middle of getting a blowjob or fucking. IT PISSES ME OFF!!!! Phone just keeps ringing and ringing. I dont call people very often I dont car to. I would never wear a fanny pack. Ever. I usually just give my keys and wallet to my gf and she puts them in her purse. I hate having shit in my pockets. I leave my wallet in my truck most of the time and just carry my cahs in my pocket. Oh yeah FUCK DEBIT CARDS TOO. Cash only baby.
If you don't want people to call you on the cellphone then just switch it off am i rite.

I don't know what you would do on the highway if your car broke down, middle of the night, blizzard of snow and ice...even just for emergencies, I'd say a cellphone is mandatory.
I don't know what you would do on the highway if your car broke down, middle of the night, blizzard of snow and ice...even just for emergencies, I'd say a cellphone is mandatory.[/QUOTE]

Walk, sleep in the truck til morning. Ive done this. i was fine. People have become to dependent on convient crap that people forgot how to take care of themselves and survive on their own. Besides I dont drive late at night. If I am out late Im usually out with my gf. Who always has her phone. I ahte that damn thing. When man first started we had to leanr how to survive on our own, people have lost sight on how to survive out in the wild or the world period. Im not saying Im a master survivalist but i just dont like all the conveinance all the time, it makes people lazy and as a race we are extremely spoiled and lazy.
People who don't have phones because others are retards about it are fucking stupid.
Walk, sleep in the truck til morning. Ive done this. i was fine. People have become to dependent on convient crap that people forgot how to take care of themselves and survive on their own. Besides I dont drive late at night. If I am out late Im usually out with my gf. Who always has her phone. I ahte that damn thing. When man first started we had to leanr how to survive on our own, people have lost sight on how to survive out in the wild or the world period. Im not saying Im a master survivalist but i just dont like all the conveinance all the time, it makes people lazy and as a race we are extremely spoiled and lazy.

ok so i tell you what, if you ever get stuck anywhere and need to use my phone, i'll do you a favoUr and tell you to fuck off and go pick berries and make a camp fire or something
JayKeeley said:
If it were socially acceptable for men to carry handbags, would you?

it is socially acceptable ... some of these new bags for me are super gay looking ...

don't you see them around the city?
JayKeeley said:
If you don't want people to call you on the cellphone then just switch it off am i rite.

I don't know what you would do on the highway if your car broke down, middle of the night, blizzard of snow and ice...even just for emergencies, I'd say a cellphone is mandatory.

you are talking to guys that venture 5 blocks from home
I don't discuss that having a mobile is useful and can help you out of unwanted shit. But it's hardly MANDATORY is the point. People look at you as if you were a caveman when you tell them you don't own one, that's fucking outrageous. Back 10- years ago they didn't have one either and they all led a more laid back existence overall and when you couldn't reach of one of your mates for a couple hours then what the heck.
You guys are dicks. I never said you shoudlnt have a cell phone i simply said i hate those things and dont want one. its just another way for this society to suck every bit of money you ever make out of you. Why is it not okay for you that i dont want a cell phone??
And to the berry comment fine I will. ANYWAY THE POINT OF THIS THREAD WAS ABOUT MALE HANDBAGS!!! No i would never carry one is that okay with everyone or is my "opinion" wrong?