would you carry around a handbag?

I saw some funny looking dude, who kinda looked slow and/or a total outcast, run, if you wanna call it that, across the street with his tight jogging pants and turquoise fannypack, trying to beat me across the street before his chromozone deficient guts were splattered on the front of my bogass Cintas truck. :kickass:
a record bag is ok, but it's a bit "student" looking....


thing is, i have to carry a friggin' laptop bag around with me on workdays so at least i have some place to carry my shit. But I'm hardly gonna go down the pub with a bag around my neck.

me: "the usual please, gov"

barman: "go away"
unhinged said:
I was thinking of getting some extra scotums sewn on here and there to keep keys, loose change etc

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Dude, what are those lumps under your shirt? And why do they jingle like coins when you walk?"
bah cell phones are damn useful i say, i like to actually get out of the house once in a while but i guess that's not kvlt enough for the majority of you

i think the cell phone hatred goes hand in hand with the pale skin deal, where's tully god dammit
cthulufhtagn said:
bah cell phones are damn useful i say, i like to actually get out of the house once in a while but i guess that's not kvlt enough for the majority of you

i think the cell phone hatred goes hand in hand with the pale skin deal, where's tully god dammit

wtf does that have to do with cell phones? Maybe, I guess, if you're a hermit...but then you wouldn;t receive much phone calls anyway, now would you? They are just damn annoying and when I am out and about, I would rather be left the fuck alone. It;s more of a psychologivcal thing with me, I dont like the chains. Also, as Ive said, they are fucking annoying, which yes, has plenty to do with ignoramus' and their holy cell phones.
Doomcifer said:
wtf does that have to do with cell phones? Maybe, I guess, if you're a hermit...but then you wouldn;t receive much phone calls anyway, now would you? They are just damn annoying and when I am out and about, I would rather be left the fuck alone. It;s more of a psychologivcal thing with me, I dont like the chains. Also, as Ive said, they are fucking annoying, which yes, has plenty to do with ignoramus' and their holy cell phones.
well for me anyway, i can't reach my friends except by cell phone and maybe i'm more social than the average RCer but when i leave the house it's generally to meet up with friends

i agree that people who abuse them--using them while driving, while in line (or even WHILE MAKING THE TRANSACTION, which really does get my goat), in an inappropriate place or in an irritatingly loud tone of voice--should be tortured to death. but i'll never understand the "i hate having a cell phone, i feel like i'm on a leash" mentality...it's a goddamn phone call, you don't have to pick it up, you don't even have to have the damn thing on, and if merely having an unused cell phone in your pocket makes you feel like you can't get away from it all then perhaps you're either
a) unhealthily preoccupied with it, and/or
b) too tr00 for your own good (which is where the pale skin deal comes in, some of you know exactly what i mean :heh: )

not a personal attack at all, i just don't really get the whole mentality and probably never will. it's just a phone, you're not selling your soul to IBM.
Well, the beauty is, is that everyone is different, especially stupid little psychological things like that. You have people who will bug you if, god forbid, you dont answer their call, etc etc..

Sometimes I even wonder if people realize that cell phones havent been aroudn THAT long and we still survived fine before them sprouting into existence. It's funny when you have people saying stuff like "You don't have a cell phone?! It's 2006! Hello?!"

yeah, i admit i've been guilty of trying to get my one friend who won't buy a cell phone to give in. but i'm tired of leaving messages with his mom :lol:

i'm with jk though, living in the present>living in the past, not to say "omg why don't you have the new buttberry picture text music tv phone!?!?" but a cell phone in some form or another is a convenience i'll willingly accept
Doomcifer said:
Extra fucking scrotums... :kickass:

I once knew a southern dude who had tres nuts. No, I didn't confirm it you fucking pigs.

There was one kid in my high school that would brag about his three nuts. I don't think anyone paid attention to him though, he was a super nerd.
You can just never have your cell phone on, but it's good to have in emergency situations. I've already had to use my phone in such a situation.