would you carry around a handbag?

yeah, why stop at 10 years though? why not go back 50 years? Then you can talk with old farts who complain about rotary phones when the world should still instead be using morse code and carrier pigeons.

Living in the modern world > living in the past

lurch70 said:
you are talking to guys that venture 5 blocks from home

I live in the mountains in New Mexico , i work 8 miles away but If I want to go to the city which I do every week about twice a week I have to go about 30 miles west to Albuquerque. If I want to see my gf i have to travel about 15 miles east. I have to drive alot actualy.
You guys are dicks. I never said you shoudlnt have a cell phone i simply said i hate those things and dont want one. its just another way for this society to suck every bit of money you ever make out of you. Why is it not okay for you that i dont want a cell phone??
And to the berry comment fine I will. ANYWAY THE POINT OF THIS THREAD WAS ABOUT MALE HANDBAGS!!! No i would never carry one is that okay with everyone or is my "opinion" wrong?

you only don't have a cellphone because that body builder chick keeps tracking you down
[ But it's hardly MANDATORY is the point. People look at you as if you were a caveman when you tell them you don't own one, that's fucking outrageous.

EXACTLY!!!! This is what i was meaning. He just worded it much better.
this one aint too far away from a handbag ...

Guthrum said:
She's going to rub her 5 inch super clit all over you. Possibly a little rape even.

I threw up in my mouth a little just then. Thank you. What exactly is a 5 inch SUPER CLIT!!? Thats kinda disturbing.
Reign in Acai said:
Fuck cellphones, I can barely tolerate face to face speech.

i dont mind face to face talk. This girl was standing in line at Mcd's earlier and was on the phone while she ordered and waited for her food. Then when they called it out she wasnt paying attention and they had to do it again and then she was like " Oh thats me" , I turned and looked at hte lady next to me and was like " If she wasnt on her damn phone she wouldve heard it" No one is that fucking important. Todays society has made girls all into this Laguna Beach/OC type that believe that they are so important. Its really distressing.
I threw up in my mouth a little just then. Thank you. What exactly is a 5 inch SUPER CLIT!!? Thats kinda disturbing.

Well, you see, when a female bodybuilder uses steroids...you can pretty much guess from there.
i dont have a landline phone at my house. cell phones are much easier.

spoiled by convenience??? so that explains DsO's popularity