would you carry around a handbag?

Doomcifer said:
So you can creep up on them bugs WWII style.

Dude there lose fitting , have big pockets, GO WITH ANY METAL BAND SHIRT, and look good with black cons. And a good pair will last you at least two years. mine are failing part and ive had them almost three and i still wear them three times a week. Also you dont have to wash them often because they air out so much. i wash minem aybe only once every month or so. Seriously. THEY DONT SMELL!!!
Doomcifer said:
So you can creep up on them bugs WWII style.


Edit- When I said "camo" shorts, I meant cargo shorts.

The camo would be detrimental in an urban environment where my milky white skin blends in with the backdrop of plaster.
What the hell?/ Is that some kind of mutant super bug??
i got into a fight with a scorpion once. It crawled up outta the shower drain and I was butt naked so i couldnt run out into my room because I had rommmates I had just met. Anyway i grabbed a conditioner bottle my new room mate left in there and proceeded to wage a five minute war witht he beast. When it finally ended he lost a claw a tall and finally his head. The bottle was not savable as he jabbed holes in it with his tail. I was out a $ 1.20 to pay back the kid for his conditioner. It was a mighty duel. Ive never stuck my finger down a shower drain again.
Dude there lose fitting , have big pockets, GO WITH ANY METAL BAND SHIRT, and look good with black cons. And a good pair will last you at least two years. mine are failing part and ive had them almost three and i still wear them three times a week. Also you dont have to wash them often because they air out so much. i wash minem aybe only once every month or so. Seriously. THEY DONT SMELL!!!

That's all I wear for shorts...some kickass baggy cargo shorts. I have a few khaki like colors but no camo. When they are all holy and shit, maybe ill get my sew on and make a single camo pair out of the three.

edit - RiA - thats what im talkin bout.
Reign in Acai said:


Edit- When I said "camo" shorts, I meant cargo shorts.

The camo would be detrimental in an urban environment where my milky white skin blends in with the backdrop of plaster.

Hahaha, I remember the bugs now. I couldn't remember exactly who had to do battle with them.
I remember when I was younger, me and a friend were making up fake "products" and one of my ideas was "Lucky Irish dinner set. complete with potato blight"

Doomcifer said:
or beer bombs and potato bottles.

Why would I be affraid of a bomb that sprays beer everywhere??
If that was the case with bombs id recommend to go the front lines immediately.
And if they put baked potatoes in a bottle and all you had to do was open the bottle and out would come a sourcream, cheddar cheese ,and bacon bit covered potatoe... well id never leave home. Id sit at home and throw beer bombs in the air all day while opening a new potatoe bottle every couple hours and watching football telepathically. Or with my intereactive headset. I wanna pick the plays damnit , I CAN SEE THE FREAKIN HOLES IN THE DEFENSE ON TV!!
Doomcifer said:
beer shotguns & potato bugs!!! FTW!!! RAAAR!! :kickass:

Well if they showed a info mercial in the south of a beer shotgun do you realize the number of mass suicides would go up 78% and thats before the commercials even over and people realize they wont be invented yet for another 3 years.
Some of you guys are in for a rude awakening IF and WHEN you decide to have a family (and it's perfectly okay with me if some of you never reproduce).

I used to hate cell phones and still do when people use them for no real reason but to bullshit or talk to their baby's daddy, sheeit. But as a practical tool it saves me shitloads of time and gas...if I forget something while at the library or store I can call home and ask. If the wife thinks of something while I'm out, she can call me, thus keeping me from having to makeduplicate trips. When I'm out, the buttberry is on vibrate: when home, it's on quiet. A simple tool, no more no less.

And back to topic, when I'm in a work capacity I'll use one of those canvas shoulder bags.

For camo pants, if you don't have a mil surplus place near you you can get shit from all kinds of countries at sportsmansguide.com I got a croatian camo field jacket there and it's damn tough. Also us mil camo is like neaveraskingleatfraternity said, near indestructible. Good stuff for while you're working on the car or on projects