Would you dare to challenge RH in sports?

In what?

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I still think I'm the winner for any runs... or I would have been before I gained 15 pounds and stopped running :p...

But, btw... Thanatos... Orienteering (Definitely not a sport) is use of a compass over a course... basically finding your way around with a compass...

~Kovenant (hehe... Eagle Scout for a reason...)
RealHazard said:
OMG this thread turned out to be exhibition of macho-nachos of this very dear forum.

No, really. :Smug:

Btw, what else did you expect?
C'mooooooooon you wanted to brag, admit it
(J"avla :p)

Weightlifting is bah
(Especially for women, can make them very EEEEEK)
Swimming rules all :D
:)p imo :))
Kovenant84 said:
But, btw... Thanatos... Orienteering (Definitely not a sport) is use of a compass over a course... basically finding your way around with a compass...
The other name for orienteering is 'getting lost'. No one beats me in that.
An other name for orienteering is "get out of the fucking forest before you starve to death or get eaten by the predator moose".

(*Whispers* Well, at least here in Sweden. You can't guess how dangerous it is in the Swedish forests with all those scary mooses with big, pointy teeth. And that's although we shoot 100 000 of them bastards every year... *paranoid, totally fukkin nuts*)
I thought the mooses were harmless, i wanted to hug them as soon as i meet one, now you tell me they want to kill me. Now all hope is lost. :cry:
Ok, from now on i'll be using "älg". Let's wait for the Swedish grammar and spelling pricks now. :)

it's true.
