Would you dare to challenge RH in sports?

In what?

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Shot-put eh? Where's discus? They go hand-in-hand. I'm a gold medalist in discus. :D
Originally posted by Siren

Let's wait for the Swedish grammar and spelling pricks now. :)
Ahh! You don't know what you're saying! I'm a complete besserwisser when dealing with my native tongue!

("Älg is the correct term. Plural of "älg" is älgar")

Let's ponder a little bit more over the moose. Listen to this description:

It's big (ca 200-550 kg, or ca 400-1100 pounds), it has an ugly head/face which mostly reminds of a camel, it's moving in a silly, sort of bouncing (can't come up with a better word) way, and the male creatures got horns.

What does it sounds like, a common animal in the forests in the whole northern parts of this world, or A Demon From Hell?

Nothing I'd like to hug, anyway. :D

(If you wanna listen to a moose: http://www.jagareforbundet.se/viltvetande/detaljeradeartfakta/alg.asp

Press the link "Lyssna på en älg" to the right.):D
@Child: you beat me to it ;) if you're a complete besserwisser when it comes to our native language, I'm an evil fascist just waiting for people to make a mistake so that I can tear them to shreds :D

But come on, moose are incredibly cute :p :D And very huggable, just make sure you haven't pissed them off before you try, or there will be much screaming and breaking of limbs...
By the way, was it swedish or finnish military that once upon a time tried to create a mounted moose cavalry, but failed because moose don't make particularly good pack animals?
@Northern lights: Huh. Lucky for me I'm almost perfect when it comes to writing in Swedish :)

The easiest way to make a moose pised off: Get close to it! Hug it? Nahnah...

I think it was the Swedish army under the reign of Charles the XII (Karl den tolfte). Quite funny to hear that it's not only me that knows such trivia.