would you have unprotected sex with angela of arch enemy?

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Greenwater: I have NO idea man :lol: I guess I just dont get to the movies much. I guess I should get my ass in the livingroom and watch the DVD?? :D

Distorted: Hmmm....you may have a point :)
I agree with you distorted. I saw an Interview with Tarja from the Nightwish DVD (in tampere coincidently :D ), and she said sometimes it's intimidating being surrounded by guys, but you get used to it. I'm sure it's the same for Angela, who I'm sure wouldn't appreciate this thread :lol:
I was in that Nightwish gig much to everyones amusement pretty drunk. It seemed to be over before it started. Of course I had a good reason for being toxicated. The same day I got out of the semi-prison that I call military service. It was one of the happiest days in my sad miserable pathetic little life. :muahaha:
"It's sauron who's the obsessive-compulsive-rule-the-world-syndrome/disorder guy. Just thought I'd clear that up "
Yeah, I realized my mistake after I wrote that, but I am sick of editing so I will leave it as is.
I think the reason I made that mistake, though, is because when I first read the book I thought, "What? Mordor sounds more like a person and Sauron sounds more like a place." Ever since then, I get them mixed up.
Hey people the whole Lord of the Rings discussion is giving me the willies. Keep it up like this and you'll end up worshipping Manowar. Why don't ya go download some Sinister \m/ to straighten your minds out. How come it seems I'm the only fucking person to have ever heard of Sinister?
I'll throw in my two cents on this topic and say that I'd rather fuck Jen of the Genitorturers. :eek: She's fuckin' hotttttttttttttttt. ::drool::
You're a troll. Oh you poor little man. I just want to tell you that it is ok that you are not as well hung as fairies, it's just because you are a troll. You can't help it.
Guerrilla: Downloading ANY movie with a 56k Connection is even more retarded :p

Greenwater_Pond: SURE!!!! Then I'll go see it again tomorrow :) (That's when I'm going to see it) You'll have to tell me how it turns out!!
Surly you must be joking. The woman in question is beautiful enough I would bathe her with my tounge, not to mention have no need for the restrictions that condoms can put on the sexual act. Havent seen jackass yet, It's more of a logistics problem at the moment. Will go see it soon. However, LOTR was awful gentlemen, They had to be flashy an over drawn in thier drama, Because nothing fuckin happens until the second an third storys. The first installment was just to tease you elf wannabe's living in your parents basement worshiping your Giagantic 8 foot tall (anatomicly correct) Gandalf poster, An masterbating to elfs that you find on the internet. Sadly holywood has won again. However, If you notice gentlemen, An take this for future notes. Bleeding, A attractive and cool young lady hasnt seen this movie. Hmmmmm anyone catching a patern here? I hope so. Then again, I could be wrong an she could be living in a town in bumfuck county out there surrounded by ppl who are constantly asking her to "Go to the river" Whatever the fck that means.
Originally posted by Broken Offering
However, If you notice gentlemen, An take this for future notes. Bleeding, A attractive and cool young lady hasnt seen this movie. Hmmmmm anyone catching a patern here? I hope so. Then again, I could be wrong an she could be living in a town in bumfuck county out there surrounded by ppl who are constantly asking her to "Go to the river" Whatever the fck that means.

I see? :confused: I'm not sure if that was a compliment or a diss...maybe someone could clear it up for me?