Would you recommend overdrive- or distortion pedals before the POD / Gearbox?


Nov 23, 2007
Hi guys,

I was thinking about buying 2-3 pedals to enhance the sound quality of my Toneport / Gearbox.

Would you recommend that and if yes, which pedals?

IME the Pod TS is pretty close, but a bit more nasal than the real deal. Now BTE TSS, that shit is breathtaking.
So do you think using the TS7 instead of the integrated software-tubescreamer will make the sound more alive or brilliant?

Somewhere else I read that Modelling Amps react completely different than a tube amp, when you feed it with a overdriven signal.

What is a BTE TSS exactly?
BTE TSS is a plugin, if I'm not mistaken.

I don't have any idea which thing will sound different. I don't think 'alive or brilliant' will be what changes, since the TS is a pretty dark pedal by any fair evaluation, I just want to see how the EQ curves and compression compares.

Yeah, BTE TSS is indeed a free VST Tubescreamer plugin, and sounds amazing. And Dave, the typical use of TS-type pedals before distortion is NOT as any kind of overdrive, but rather as a filter for the signal that thins out the lows a bit (in a good way, tighter and less woofy) and gives a slight mid boost, so it doesn't matter what kind of distortion you put it before, it still kicks ass. Read JBroll's excellent Tube Screamer FAQ for more!
I didn´t think that using a real TS (Ibanez TS7, in my case) made much difference comparing to the Line6 simulation on Gearbox. Sure it was a bit different when comparing them side by side, but in the end I didn´t even think it sounded better or worst, they pretty much did the same job.

As I love tracking things totally unprocessed to mess at will later with VSTs (or reamp in the future), I decided to sell my TS7. Maybe I will keep it if I find a nice reamp box around here, but anyway, IMO it doesn´t justify the trouble of putting a TS before the Gearbox and printing its settings on the DI channel.