Wounded +4


New Metal Member
Dec 31, 2002
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i was wondering if anybody owns the special import edition of Wounded/TimeLost..:cool:
other than the 4 extra songs, does it come with extra photos, info in the liner notes, etc or is it basically just a rerelease of the original Wounded and Time Lost CD's but in the same package??
i ordered this along with Tug from Amazon but because +4 is an import, the estimated time of delivery is like a month away. since i already have a copy of Wounded and only need TL, just trying to get an idea if +4 was worth the wait (i'm not a big fan of unreleased/demo stuff anyway). otherwise, i would just replace +4 with TL in my order to get it (and Tug) a lot quicker.:p
Hi Slipper,

That is the only version I do have - I don't know if it is an import per se, actually, but it is the rerelease combo of Wounded and Time Lost, each with 2 extra songs - on Wounded it's a demo of Below 0 and an acoustic verison of Pure (which is heavenly!). On Time Lost, it's a demo of Under the Sun (a good bit different from the final) and and an unreleased instrumental called Words (cute, guys!)

The liner notes are very different from the originals - there are comments from the band on every track individually which provide insight into the tracks that is very cool, and there are some other photos.

I really enjoy it and recommend that it is indeed worth the wait!

mgirishfan said:
Hi Slipper,

That is the only version I do have - I don't know if it is an import per se, actually, but it is the rerelease combo of Wounded and Time Lost, each with 2 extra songs - on Wounded it's a demo of Below 0 and an acoustic verison of Pure (which is heavenly!). On Time Lost, it's a demo of Under the Sun (a good bit different from the final) and and an unreleased instrumental called Words (cute, guys!)

The liner notes are very different fro the originals - there are comments from the band on every track individually which provide insight into the tracks that is very cool, and there are some other photos.

I really enjoy it and recommend that it is indeed worth the wait!

cool.. thanx man..:worship:
Slipperman said:
cool.. thanx man..:worship:

No prob, Slipper - happy to help. I'm not a man though, LOL!
Demonspell said:
Words and the acoustic Pure are worth the price of the reissue alone.

Totally agree with the above--well worth the wait. Pure is utterly gorgeous and the liner notes are interesting. I ordered mine from The End and got it within a week.

Hey those are really rough versions all.

The Under the Sun demo features an out of control crazy key solo by our good buddy Phil"slow the F#$% down Bennett, he plays for the Starship as well. I love it myself even though it is way rough! By the way Bill is now adding that in and SMOKES with his own take! we will be doing that one on Tour! damn it sounded good last night in the rehearsal studio!

Also Words is just an idea Doug had that never really turned into a full production. I think it originally had some" words?" :)

The others are just rough Demos we found laying around :) ! please keep that in mind :)
ebass said:
By the way Bill is now adding that in and SMOKES with his own take! we will be doing that one on Tour! damn it sounded good last night in the rehearsal studio!

Also Words is just an idea Doug had that never really turned into a full production. I think it originally had some" words?" :)

The others are just rough Demos we found laying around :) ! please keep that in mind :)

Oooo, can't wait to hear Bill's smokin' take!!!! That will be schweeet!

Wow, there were once words in "Words"? (My best shot at alliteration this early in the a.m.!)

Rough demos? Ah, that acoustic Pure is pure heaven!!!! Not rough at all....simply gorgeous!
DiscoDave said:
As of a week ago, www.lasercd.com has the Time Lost + Wounded pack in stock, and they delivered it to me in less than a week.
thanx for the tip..
although it wasn't clear whether or not laser had Wounded in stock, it was $3.50 less so i went ahead and cancelled the amazon order. i figure even if i have to wait anyway, it's still cheaper.:cool: