WOW: Music of Mass Destruction: Dawgs back again


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
Hello all U fellow Thraxers,

It's the AugDawg again, sorry 2 be away for so long but I just wanted to stop by and give a quick review of "Music of Mass Destruction" which believe it or not I just barely purchased. Being a father sometimes forces you to put normal purchases on the back burner, but anyhow I finally got a copy and I must say that I love this live collection. From the opening notes of "What doesn't Die" to the energized version of "Bring the noise", the show really lives up to the actual concert experience when I actually saw Anthrax at the DV8 in Salt Lake City. It's great since many of the shots used on the DVD actually remind me exactly of what the concert look like through my eyes on that great night. The whole set is pretty tight (some moments on "Room for one more" were abit off), overall a great set and a great complete package with the CD and DVD combined. To top it off it only cost me $16.00. I also love the extras included aka, Charlie's toy collecting, Johns great bar(the burning bush), Scott's fist of fury, Rob's drunkeness, and the special with Alex Ross was pretty cool as well. I gotta say, this really is one of the best live albums I've ever bought and I certainly wanted to thank the thrax guys for all their effort on it. The version of "Belly of the Beast" with John is freekin sweet to say the least.

AugDawg rating 9 out of 10

For all of you that still remember, I'm still working on new AugDawg material and also another side project called Demon Halo. Funny, the Demon Halo project actually has 2 complete albums done now, and I'm still putting the finishing touches on the 3rd AugDawg album. However, the AugDawg album will be done soon, and I'll get alot of these Demon Halo tunes online so you guys and gals can check em out. If you missed me you can still reach me at, below are the track listings for AugDawg: The 3rd Day, and Demon Halo: A million ways 2 die

AugDawg: The 3rd Day
1-The 3rd Day
2-There's no coming back
4-Anybodies guess?
5-Count to ten
6-No need 2 testify
7-All the way from Hells gate
8-The test of time
10-All things come in 3's
11-Febuary 23rd
12-The End?

Demon Halo: A million wayz 2 die
1-In the beginning
2-A million wayz 2 die
3-In the dark
4-Roll call
5-Scare U 2 death
6-I'm that
7-Demon @ your door
9-Uh oh Sh%t, there's that sound again
10-Sound asleep
11-The awakening
12-There's somethin bout Death
13-The Rapture

Hope everybody is all good,

Peace and chicken grease!

nafnikufesin said:
Holy crap, long time no see. I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering whatever became of you.

Still doing the same thing, making music, haven't been paid yet but I love making the music anyway. My wife is about to get done with school so we will be doubling our income soon :Spin:

But yes, music music music and I'll have some online for you guys soon so you can check out the new skills. Honestly, listening to my older stuff now, I don't hate it, but at the same time I've come so far that sometimes when I look back I'm starting to feel like I've been in one of the Lord of the Rings movies. I really think alot of U will love Demon Halo, it's raw, powerful, mean, and downright the rap music U wouldn't play for your mother. The new AugDawg? is just dam good! There's some metal on it, hip hop, and lots of hard core rap! I'll see what I can do about getting some tunes online within the next couple of days so you can all see for yourself!


GregadetH said:
Yeah who knew he could make such a lyrically insightful record after all this time?

Yes I did notice the lyrics are pretty insightful, I still need to pickup a copy but I've certainly heard the album a couple of times now and it's a pretty dam good Megadeth album.


August "AugDawg" Witzgall
johnnieCzech said:
Heey August it kicks ass to hear from you again,
looking forward to the new music!

Good to hear from you as well. The plan is to have the entire F.U.2 album available for download in the next day or two and then I start putting the new songs online, but maybe I'll get those new songs online today. I wan't you all 2 here the new stuff.



August "AugDawg" Witzgall
dutchy said:
and the Dawg makes another return!! Can he "over" return Kiss??hahaha!!! welcome back bro!!!

First off, nobody can over return Kiss and besides I've never actually hit the shelves with my CD's yet so I really haven't even arrived yet, but it's dam good to see ya Dutchy and I'll be sure to let you know when the new stuff is posted 4 sure. Honestly, I should be able to afford a new PC this year and you all should see more of me soon.


That AugDawg