Wow! so um... anyone like pizza?

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Real Pizza = thin crust with about 2 inches of topping. Read: REAL topping i.e. real vegetables etc and REAL fucking garlic on the bread... you should see chunks of cloves on there!
I really only care for Pizza that is cooked in a real oven. The kind you find at restaurants...not that undercooked shite that's made in 7 minutes (like Pizza Hut :Puke: ). Seriously, its horridly undercooked, not to mention they actually add two pumps of pure lard to give the crust that shiny look and form.
Oh god, you put that so... Well lets put it this way, when Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are stealing fat deposits in Fight Club. Kinda like that :lol:
Good pizza rocks. Thin base, minimal toppings, fresh ingredients.

And of course an icy cold beer to go with it. :kickass:
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