WOW!These guys burns everything!

I may be hard to play it yeah you have to be a decent musician, well one with some stamina to play it but it doesnt make it musical. I wouldnt be here if I didnt like heavy music but it reaches a point where it stops being music and just become people playing fast for the sake of it.

Again just my opinion.
I may be hard to play it yeah you have to be a decent musician, well one with some stamina to play it but it doesnt make it musical. I wouldnt be here if I didnt like heavy music but it reaches a point where it stops being music and just become people playing fast for the sake of it.

Again just my opinion.

I really really hope you guys watch the dvd, it gives are whole different perspective on things.

And you can hear the guitars soloed haha.
First thing, and dont be offended but you need a good ear to really enjoy this stuff. I discoverd them right when i started out with music. I found to be utter shit then.

Now after a couple of years of playing and recording i can hear what is going on. The musical talent is enourmous in the band. The drummer(the drums are programmed on the first record but the second one has a real drummer.) is the only one you really hear but look up some guitar/bass tabs, its pretty hard to but fun to play.

And i suggest watching the dvd first before judging this band, the extra's show a very personal journey of the first album. It kinda explains why the first record sounded so shit.

I think most of us here are more than capable of playing any of The Berzerker's songs. This stuff isn't really that difficult, it's just played with really stupid techno drum sounds, so that it sounds really intense/fatiguing. It's pretty gimmicky. Give me MNEMIC any day over these guys.