Wow.. what a tour...

iron, weak?

victory songs kick ass?

new dude rules?

where have you gone wrong good sir.

Sorry, should have clarified.


Iron is weaker than the other albums. ANd yes, the new dude rules. He is a great fit for the band. Sorry i can't be more tr00 and only like the first two demo tapes will all original members of any given band :rolleyes:
Sorry, should have clarified.


Iron is weaker than the other albums. ANd yes, the new dude rules. He is a great fit for the band. Sorry i can't be more tr00 and only like the first two demo tapes will all original members of any given band :rolleyes:

I think Iron is way better than VS and it has little to do with who is in the band since I did like the Dragonheads EP. I just can't even get all the way through VS. I'm not a fan of Wintersun either.