Wow.. what a tour...

caught this last night in MA as part of the (crappy) New England Fest. All of the bands except for Tyr were phenomenal and put on great shows, so I can't wait to see them again in NYC where they'll get real sets. Tyr on the other hand...I sure hope their studio stuff is better than what I saw last night, because they put on an awful show.
Interesting, all the stuff I've seen live on youtube from Tyr has been nothing less than fantastic. Tyr are not a "high energy" band. None of their songs really go faster than mid-paced, but are still amazing. Great songwriters.

It's always weird to hear people say they dislike Tyr... i've honest to god never met anyone who when the band name comes up says anything besides "who are they?" or "OMFG TYR RULES!!!". i've never heard anything negative about them.
That's exactly why I was surprised by how bad they were since I've never heard anything bad about them. My issue with them wasn't that they weren't high energy...they just flat out weren't good.
I thought all four sets last night at NEMHF were phenomenal. They were actually the only sets I saw all day besides Meshuggah/Ministry. Met all four of the bands earlier. Really a shame that each band only got half an hour, and I wish I could go to the NYC date...I'm jealous of everyone that gets the full headlining time. But, we got Tale of Revenge and Treacherous Gods!!!

Oh, last night before A Life Once Lost (I think) I got on the rail so I'd be there for Eluveitie and someone behind me in a ProgPower shirt (I was wearing mine as well) said something about last year being awesome and asked if I was going this year. Did this happen to be anyone here?
That's exactly why I was surprised by how bad they were since I've never heard anything bad about them. My issue with them wasn't that they weren't high energy...they just flat out weren't good.

So was it a performance issue or that you just hate their songs/style? Because while i've never heard anyone say anything bad, that doesn't mean the style is for everyone. I'm just curious and want to clarify if you just think they're an awful band or if they were just not tight...
So was it a performance issue or that you just hate their songs/style? Because while i've never heard anyone say anything bad, that doesn't mean the style is for everyone. I'm just curious and want to clarify if you just think they're an awful band or if they were just not tight...

Remember I haven't heard a note of studio material so my opinion is completely based off last night's performance. I thought the performance was pretty sloppy, which took away from any shot I had of trying to pay attention to the actual music. I'll give them another shot in NYC (since I don't have a choice :p) and hopefully they'll change my mind.
Fair enough. I'd recommend checking out some of their material before seeing them live again. I am not sure what the new album sounds like yet, but check out Ragnarok as a whole (that album rules, plus the songs all segue into each other for the most part) and check out Eric the Red, especially the tracks "The Edge", "Dreams", and "Alive".

If you don't like that stuff, probably best to just avoid the band altogether :lol:
