Writing Lyrics - How and where do you do it ?


Oct 30, 2010
Do you write directly on the computer, comfortable in your gaming chair ?
On your phone maybe ? When the inspiration strikes you can be anywhere.
On a sheet with a pen ? In a cabin in the woods, with the candlelight & some whisky ?

Whenever and wherever the inspiration strikes, luckily I almost always have my phone and/or ipod on me, so it's easy to get quick ideas down

I prefer writing by hand, makes the lyrics strangely feel more personal, and is also easier to construe the general emotion of them to a vocalist when they're written, but I can't exactly fit a notebook in my pocket haha
Paper and pen. I wrote a lot after after my last relationship ended in my room with my gear. There was a lot of alcohol involved. I can't read or listen to the stuff I made because it bums me out though. I've been sober since May and haven't written much since then. If I'm down I either sleep or go ride my bike or work out instead of write music since I've temporarily moved back in with family. But generally anything that is an emotional struggle + booze has been the combo for me.
I prefer pen and paper, gives a really personal touch like lanky noob said. I like to have a great view of some inspirational landscapes from the window. (Toilet is great too, though :lol:)
Sometimes I just write on my studio computer, it really depends on where the inspiration hits you.
I write some lyrics with my laptop when I'm on a train, you have a lot of time to kill when the rest of your band members live 400km away from you. :D

I also get these bursts of inspiration when I'm somewhere without any "proper writing gear", so I pull out my phone and write a memo.