Dhatura said:This is really sad, I'm not in any of the photos
Come on, Kelet-Magyarország is printed in Debrecen, haha, where I'm from, but I live in Buddiepest now. And of course, I was there, right behind you, didn't you see me, ejj
Btw, Hungarian is forbidden here, because the moderators are very strict. They let you speak only in English, which is quite imperialistic, but ah, well, one day big Hungary's aurora will come and then we'll be king of the world.
yes, I was sad too, when I saw there isn't a photo for me and Vinnie

Well, Does the Kelet print in Debrecen? hmm... i didn't know that... it's a very-very interesting theme...

Do you know, that i'm on the Kelet today..? on the top of the third page.. ehheh

...well... i know... it ISN'T great..
Please write yourself something... everything! Whitch school do you go, how old are you (are you boy or girl?
